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I looked into his eyes as the packs gathered around. Amber pushed her way to the front her pain clear in her blue gaze. She loved him as much as I did. I continued holding pressure as more and more blood kept coming. The smell of copper mixed with Tony's scent as I looked down at him.

"Tony hold on, fight for us," I begged looking around trying to determine who fired the shot. "Who shot him?" I sobbed focusing on Tony once more.

"No one saw the shooter," Josh said as a few readied for more attacks.

"Damn it," I shrieked as the blood wasn't stopping. I can't lose him after we just found each other again. I watched as his eyes rolled back as he slipped into unconsciousness. I searched for Eric in the crowd but he wasn't here. I looked up at the sky shutting my eyes trying to use the ancestors' magic. I winced as a sharp pain hit me. I looked down to see I was bleeding and it was in the same spot as Tony's wound. "That's not possible," I gasped falling next to him pushing my hand against my own wound.

"Sapphire," Josh yelled rushing to my side trying to put pressure on my wound.

"No save him," I ordered as Josh shook his head.

"I got it," Amber said pushing on Tony's stomach. I clutched Tony's hand my hand covered in blood. The smell of blood was overwhelming before and now I couldn't smell anything else.

"Nathan," I gasped as spots floated across my vision. I felt a burst of magic filling the clearing but it wasn't Nathan it was Eric. He walked toward me standing above me.

"I can save you but you must sever the connection between you and Tony," Eric said as I looked at him.

"But he'll die," I said as Eric nodded.

"But you won't," he said and I knew that he somehow was responsible for this.

"No," I mumble reaching to stroke Tony's cheek. "I'd rather die than let him die. I'm nothing without him."

"Sapphire this is stupid you'll both die," Josh said as I looked at him.

"I will die a thousand times just to be with him. You have no idea how it feels to be without your mate. It's nothing short of agony," I said softly as pain burst through me. I watched as a light surrounded Tony and I. I felt the hum of light magic rush through me. I felt my wound closing as I looked toward Tony. His wound was also closing as his color returned. He gasped sitting up as Eric yelled. I stood up facing him.

"He was dead I felt it!" Eric screamed as I called my magic to me before sending it into him. He flew across the clearing hitting the ground.

"I don't know how you shot him but I promise you won't get anywhere near him again!" I growled harshly. I faced Tony helping him to his feet. "Don't scare me like that."

"Yes sir," Tony said putting his arm on my waist.

"I almost lost you," I whispered my lip trembling as tears rushed to my eyes. He reached up caressing my cheek trying to calm me.

"I am not going anywhere. You are my forever Sapphire," Tony said firmly as I wrapped my arms around him burying my face in his chest.

"You are my always Tony," I said firmly as we walked toward the SUV. I stood next to the car when Amber walked toward us.

"Tony can I talk to you for a minute?" Amber asked as panic flooded my system. I wanted to scream no but instead I walked away going to find Josh. I found him with his girlfriend.

"Sapphire what's wrong?" Josh asked as I shrugged not wanting to tell him. I watched them as I tapped into Tony's emotions. He was feeling conflicted and I couldn't help but feel sadden. He wasn't sure who he loved the one thing I was sure of is Amber was going to fight for him. After years of being away from him she decided she loved him. I looked at my thorn mark on my ring finger. It was faded but at least it was still there.

"Tony you love me," I heard Amber yell angrily. "You asked me to come home and I want to but now you don't want me?!"

"Amber stop," Tony said quickly trying to keep me from hearing. "I will always love you but Sapphire is my forever. You could change your mind and leave."

"This time is different. I'm coming back knowing I'm going to be a mom," she said as a tear slipped down my face. She wouldn't let him go no matter who she hurt in the process.

"Amber please don't make this hard," Tony said as I felt a spark as she caressed his cheek. He loves her and I would be fooling myself to think otherwise. Tony glanced at me our eyes locking for a moment before I turned making my way through the crowd walking away from him. I felt his heart racing as he rushed toward me but I was losing him in the crowd. I felt his panic as I slipped further from him. "SAPPHIRE PLEASE STOP!" He yelled over the crowd. Tears streamed my cheeks as I started sprinting deep into the woods. I couldn't handle this right now, it was too much for one day.

"I can't breathe," I said as my heart began to race. I leaned up against a tree trying to suck air into my lungs as my thoughts spun round and round in my head drowning me. He loved her, he loved me, I loved him, he doesn't love me, he doesn't love her, I can't handle this. I tried to pull air into my lungs but none came. My emotions were eating me up and I was breaking down over one girl. Could he just leave me for her again...

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