Fragile Love

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I arrived home to an empty house. I stood in the living room for a moment before making my way through the house. I paused noticing my engagement ring. I picked it up holding it on my hand. How could this vow mean nothing to Tony? I set the ring down before making my way to the kitchen. I gasped as my eyes found two honey eyes staring at me.

"What are you doing here?!" I demanded as Tony stepped toward me.

"I wanted to speak to you," Tony said as I glared.

"I thought I made myself clear, I don't want you here," I snapped harshly.

"Do I mean so little to you," with those words I lost it. He was tearing into my wounds regardless of what he has done.

"Damn you," I growled as I looked into what once were kind eyes. "You cheated on me so you don't get to blame me for this. I asked you to pick and now you should be with her. I can't be happy with you and clearly you weren't happy with me so please just go."

"Sapphire please don't throw me away," Tony said as I picked up the ring forcing it into his hand.

"Consider this a divorce," I snapped angrily as he looked at me with sad eyes. Normally that look would have me rushing back but this time all I felt was rage. He was trying to control me. "Get the hell out and stay away from me!"

"Fine but you will regret it," Tony growled storming out the back door. I gasped leaning against the wall resisting the urge to call for Tony to come back. I loved him but I also hated him. I never thought I would hate him but here I was hating him. He used me to get over Amber and now for some reason he still wanted me even though he had her. I stood in the kitchen tears rushing down my cheeks. The pain I was feeling was almost unbearable. I clutched my chest sliding down to the floor tears coating my face. A sob escaped my lips as I sat here.

"Sapphire," Eric said as he appeared in front of me. He knelt in front of me. He didn't try to hold me or talk he was just here if I needed him. I felt so much pain as I sat here. I clutched Eric's hand in mine as tears streamed my cheeks.

"Why would he do this?" I cried as Eric pulled me into his arms.

"Because he is lost. He was broken when you met him and once he was better he felt torn. He wanted you because you would do anything for him but he loves Amber. He is a fool," Eric said firmly as I sobbed on his shoulder.

"Make it stop," I pleaded looking into his fiery eyes. "Please make the pain go away!"

"But then you wouldn't be you," he said softer wiping my tears with his thumb. "You are good Sapphire and to take your pain away I would have to take all emotions."

"I love him Eric. If he keeps coming back I might believe him. Last time he got me back," I said as I looked at Eric. "I don't want to love him."

"I promise I won't let you go to him if that's what you wish," Eric said as I nodded.

"If I go to him I will be hurt again," I muttered as he stood. He pulled me to my feet as our eyes locked. I felt a small spark between us but I took a step back releasing his hand. I needed to get over Tony first to see if I truly loved Eric. He deserved to be my first choice.

"Come with me," he said as I looked at him filled with curiosity.

"Where?" I asked pulling it together.

"I have an event starting that I don't want to go to alone," Eric said as I sighed. I owed him so I decided to go.

"Fine but what should I wear?" I asked softly.

"This," he said as he conjured a dress onto my body. The pink pearl color gown clung to my body. The silk fabric floated to the ground trailing behind me. The plunging neckline left space for a necklace. I watched as a diamond necklace appeared before looking up at Eric.

"It's beautiful," I said putting on my best smile even though inside I felt the pain of loss. I took his arm as we teleported to the event. We landed in his ballroom filled with his most loyal followers. A cheer erupted as everyone noticed us. He gave a wave before the music filled the room. He took my hand his other resting on my waist. We glided across the floor effortlessly. My heart raced at our closeness but I refused to give in. I wanted to love him not just lust him.

"Everyone is staring at you," Eric said breaking the silence. I laughed looking into his eyes.

"No they are staring at their leader," I said softly as he lifted me into the air before continuing to glide. We spun round and round our bodies moving in a perfect harmony. We were like one tonight. I looked at him realizing our lips were inches apart and I felt myself yearning for them to dance with mine. Eric sensed the shift in my emotions as we stopped moving. His eyes were analyzing my own our breath mixing together. I felt his breath brush my cheek causing me to take a sharp breath.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked causing me to finally step back.

"I wish I could say yes but we both know I am not over Tony. I like you Eric but right now I think I still love Tony," I whispered as he took a step forward cupping my cheek gently.

"It's okay Sapphire I'll wait. You are worth it," Eric said stealing my breath away. Could I fall for him...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now