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I woke to Van shaking me.

"Get up," Van said as I sat up.

"What?" I asked but I could see the fear in his eyes.

"We are being attacked by those with far greater power than us," he said as I jumped out of bed.

"The twins," I gasped as he shook his head.

"Lane left with them," Van said as I conjured clothes on. Van grabbed my hand pulling me into the hallway. We sprinted toward the door when it was blasted open. Van pushed me behind him as I clung to his arm. "Cam."

"Well well looks like I found a new toy," Cam smirked waving at me. "Take her!" He snapped to his men. Van fought them off for a while before one grabbed me. I launched him across the room trying to fight them but soon I was forced into ancient handcuffs. The cuffs didn't appear to be magical but suddenly I couldn't use my power. "Very interesting, she's powerful."

"Leave her out of this," Van yelled as Cam laughed.

"No dear friend she was brought into this by you," Cam said as he approached me looking me up and down. "She's different than him though her power was cut from the same cloth as his. She pretty and I can see plain as day they are married. What's your name?"

"Tell him nothing," Van growled struggling against the soldier's grasp.

"Unwise as I hold the key to your fate," Cam said as I looked at Van. I could feel his pain as they started hitting him. Tears spilled down my face as Cam watched me. I winced with each blow they delivered. "She can feel his pain."

"Van please," I begged but he refused to give my name and I wanted to listen to his wishes.

"You can end his pain if you give me your name," he said touching my dark hair.

"Go to hell," I spat as he smiled at me.

"Unafraid I love that, if Van doesn't fight I'll let you live," Cam said as fear raced through me. Van always sacrificed himself for me and this time I was truly scared of losing him.

"Take me instead, don't hurt him," I plead but Cam shook his head. "Van if you agree I'll join you."

"Deal," Van said as I looked at Cam.

"I'll tell you my name just don't hurt him," I spoke quickly.

"Okay tell me your name," he smiled as I looked at Van.

"My name is Sapphire," I said softly as Cam grabbed my arm dragged me out of the palace. There was a carriage waiting for us. I gasped seeing the destruction Cam had done. There were hundreds of dead people and most were children.

"Strangely the people fought us. We told them all we wanted was access to the palace to kill Van. Last time no one tried to stop us," Cam said as guilt filled me. It was my fault for the people defending us. He pushed me into the carriage as Van walked behind us with the army.

"The people you killed were innocent. You honestly think the children needed to die!" I growled in anger.

"I suppose I could have let them live but I had told the parents they all would die if they fought me," Cam said as I thought of my brother and the twins. Had they made it out of this mess?

"Why do you want Van dead so bad?" I demanded as he looked down.

"He let my sister die. My sister loved him so much and he couldn't be bothered to save her. I made it my responsibility to avenge her so I learned ancient magic as I'm sure you are now aware of," Cam said and normally I would feel bad but he killed so many to get here. "This is why to avenge her I must kill you Sapphire. I am sorry I'm sure you are a nice person."

"I'm beyond most magic but maybe you can kill me," I said simply hiding the fear of death I was having at the moment. We road through the scorched ruins of the city until we reached a clearing with a mansion in it. I was pulled from the carriage by a soldier. He held me tightly in his arms as Cam walked toward me. He held a knife that had symbols on it. I couldn't even tell what the symbols meant they were so old.

"Sapphire I will let you say a few words before we continue," Cam said as I looked at Van. He started struggling as he knew what was about to happen.

"I love you, do you hear me Van. I love you always," I said firmly no hint of the terror in my body. Cam grabbed my hand cutting my palm. I looked at my hand as a few drops of blood hit the ground.

"You will have one month to live," Cam said as the soldier let go of me. "I promise it will not be a painless death and you won't come back. I heard about you which is when I knew I could punish Van. He cared for you in a way he didn't care for my sister.

"I promise before the month is up you will be dead!" I screamed as he chuckled.

"Put her in a cell instead of the room I had readied for her," Cam snapped as the soldier pulled me into the house up the stairs tossing me into a tiny room with barely enough room to lie down. He slammed the door shut locking it. I broke down in sobs as I sat on the ground. My heart longed to see my family one last time though I knew I would never see them again. I wished that Van could hold me in his arms but I knew, until moments before my death we would be separated to make the pain inflicted worse. I was going to die and I was sure if I did it would stick...

Gemini LycansΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα