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I paced in our room as Tony slept. I felt a rising panic as we were stuck with a man who hates me, far from home. I couldn't even fight back in my weakened state. I was safe when I was 100% Lycan but my witch half made me vulnerable to damage. I jumped as someone knocked on the door. I pulled the door open to find Amber.

"Amber," I said tightly trying desperately not to insult her.

"I was wondering if I could talk to Tony privately," Amber said as I walked past her and into the kitchen. I sat down eating a bowl of cereal as Amber spoke with Tony. I finished my food and Amber had yet to come out. My curiosity getting the best of me as I made my way up the stairs silently. I pressed my ear to the door but there wasn't any sound coming out. I pulled the door open finding Amber pressing her lips to Tony's. I felt my heart shatter as Tony didn't push her away.

"Hey!" I yelled causing her to pull away as Tony wiped his mouth. "Tony how could you do that to me?!"

"She kissed me what was I supposed to do smack her?" Tony demanded as Amber smirked at me.

"Tony how am I supposed to believe you didn't want that. I know how you felt about her," I said tears cascading down my face.

"Sapphire can you feel my emotions right now?" Tony asked as I tried desperately only to have my magic flail. I felt the baby's magic interfering with mine.

"I can't," I whispered as he looked confused.

"How?" Tony asked as I touched my belly.

"The baby," I said softly as Amber's eyes locked on my womb.

"Wait she's pregnant, are you sure you are the father Tony?" Amber said as I glared at her.

"I can still hurt you!" I growled causing her to rush down the stairs.

"I promise we were talking then she heard you grab the door and she kissed me," Tony said as I looked at him.

"If I find out later you are lying I'm going to be pissed," I said deciding he deserved my trust.

"So the baby is weakening you?" Tony asked as I nodded. "I'm not leaving your side for the rest of the trip as my father is very dangerous. More so than my mother."

"He said he wouldn't hurt me," I whispered but I knew Tony was right. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said wrapping his arms around my belly from behind me. I covered his hands with mine leaning back into him.

"Are we really in danger here?" I asked softly as Tony stiffened.

"I hope not," Tony said as I faced him.

"Should we leave?" I asked as he held me.

"If he continues trying to force us apart yes," Tony said as I shut the door to our room. I grabbed a tank top and jean shorts pulling them on quickly. I brushed my hair before turning toward Tony.

"Let's try and make the most of this," I said when the door was yanked open by Patrick. "Come on you can't knock?!"

"Why, I just learned you aren't a threat," Patrick said as Tony blocked most of my body from Patrick. I was struck with the realization that it was a full moon and Patrick could phase at will right now.

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" I snapped as he nodded.

"Yes actually," Patrick smiled as Tony stood facing his father.

"Dad she's pregnant with my child you won't touch her!" Tony growled only to have to guards grab him. I gasped as they dragged him from the room. I felt tears rush down my cheeks as Patrick walked toward me.

"Please," I begged hoping to avoid a fight. I wasn't sure if I was strong enough to beat him but I sure as hell was a close match.

"I promise if you don't fight I'll make it quick," Patrick said as I backed up. I felt my powers building only to have the baby feed on them.

"Tony I love you always," I whispered before shifting to Lycan form at the same moment Patrick had. I faced him baring my teeth at him.

"Big for a girl Lycan," Patrick snarled lunging at me. I dodged him before taking a swipe at him.

"I'm a Gemini Lycan you moron!" I growled as my claws ripped through his flank. He whimpered before taking a swing at my muzzle. I winced but refused to voice my pain.

"You think my son would love you without your looks," Patrick said taking another swing at me. I ducked before launching myself into him ramming my shoulder into his. He crashed through the wall falling onto the grass below. I jumped through the hole landing next to him.

"He would love me no matter how I looked," I said shifting back into my human form. I touched my cheek finding I was bleeding.

"You think it wise shifting into your fragile form?" A guard behind me said as I faced him.

"No it isn't wise but I also have faith that your pack is genuinely kind," I said looking at him with my sad gaze. "Where is my husband?" I asked when suddenly I was knocked across the clearing. I hit a tree knocking the wind from my chest. I groaned holding my side. I rolled onto my side slowly before looking to see what hit me. I saw Patrick in Lycan form coming toward me. I felt a burst of magic from in my womb rush through me building with each second. I reached toward the magic throwing it at Patrick. I watched as he went flying across the grass crashing through a tree. I watched as he turned human staying very still. I started to get to my feet when a wave of pain hit me causing my legs to buckle. Something was wrong and nobody here would care if I died. Tony I'm sorry...

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