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I ran through the city approaching the palace. I slowed as there was a dark cloud over the palace. It wasn't just a cloud, I could feel the energy in the air. I could hear people screaming as they ran away from the castle. I could feel Van inside the palace using his power. I took off running through the garden to enter through the back. I slipped in staying in the shadows to go undetected. I found Van arguing with the woman from the party along with eight others.

"She's dangerous Van!" She yelled as he glared at her.

"No she isn't dangerous. She saved us all countless times," Van said firmly.

"Yeah after she put us in danger," she growled. "Hand her over to us and we will leave."

"No," Van said as he was brought to his knees.

"We gave you immortality and we can take it away," she said her voice cool and calculated. They were going to hurt him because of me. I watched as they started to force the magic into him. Unable to watch as he was being hurt I stepped in front of him quickly taking all of their power as it pressed into my back. I kneeled in front of Van caressing his cheek.

"Sapph no," Van said weakly. I smiled at him ignoring the excruciating pain filling my body.

"It's okay. I love you do you hear me. I love you," I said firmly before my lips crashed against his. I felt a warm electricity fill my body replacing the pain momentarily. "I choose to die for you always!"

"And I for you," Van said pushing me out of the way. I watched with horror as the power started ripping into him.

"Stop please," I begged tears cascading my cheeks. "Kill me. I give my immortal life willingly." I said as they stopped hurting Van.

"You would die for him," one man asked.

"Not just for him but the entire city. I would die in place of anyone," I said firmly without hesitation. "I have killed so many on earth but it has always been to protect someone."

"Do you feel it?" A woman said holding her hand out. "The magic protects her. She has something stronger than immortal life. She has death on her side."

"What does that mean?" I asked in confusion.

"She has such a light about her that death refuses to take her," the woman said as the others held out their hands to feel the power inside me.

"Sapphire," Van said slumping on the ground. I turned rushing to him. I felt his pulse breathing a sigh of relief that he was just unconscious. I called my power to me healing him completely.

"Van," I said softly as his eyes flew open. I stood up facing the immortals before me.

"Sapphire you are something unlike anything we have seen," the man said as the woman from the party look disgusted.

"You are letting her live! She too much of a risk to be allowed to live," she spat as the man faced her.

"Even I can see your intentions aren't good but selfish," the man snapped as she bowed her head shutting her mouth.

"Sapphire we should leave to let them work this out," Van said grabbing my hand. I followed Van from the room quickly.

"Van I think we should get married," I blurted as he stopped cold.

"Say that again," he said causing me to smile.

"Marry me Van Lucian," I said a blush creeping across my face.

"Yes ma'am," he said as he teleported the ring onto my finger. I felt a smile playing at my lips as I realized the ring didn't hurt like last time. Charles's spell couldn't keep Van and me apart anymore.

"I love you Van Lucian," I said with such happiness. Van's hands wrapped around my waist as he bent down. His lips caressed mine sending a fire whipping across my body. The kiss deepened as the fire exploded inside me touching every inch of me. Van was everything I could ever want and soon he was going to be mine. We finally pulled away both of us breathless.

"I hear you Sapphire," he smirked leading me to his bedroom. I pressed my lips to his again as he reached up slipping the dress down. His lips trailed my jaw and to my neck causing my heart to race a smile tugging at my lips. I wrapped my legs around him as we fell onto the bed. Van's hands tangled in my hair as his lips brushed my collar bone. I ran my fingers through his hair pulling his lips onto mine. In this moment we were in sync with each other. We were tailored specifically for each other. Our power link heightened our connection to each other.

"Van," I gasped as his teeth trapped my lower lip in his. I felt a fire in the wake of his lips as they traveled around my neck.

"You are so beautiful," Van whispered in my ear between kisses. I found myself staring at him in fascination. He was perfect without a single flaw and I wondered what he saw in me. He was the thing no woman could find in a man. We fit perfectly more perfect than I fit with Eric. I didn't think it was possible to fit as perfectly as Van and I do. We collapsed against each other covered in sweat. I rested my head on his bare chest as he stroked my hair.

"How did I get so lucky?" I breathed as he laughed pulling me closer.

"I don't know how I got this lucky either," he said as I curled up against him the silk sheets over us. He was the one and nothing could ever pull us apart. I was hopelessly in love with Van Lucian but I wouldn't change it for the world. Van Lucian was mine and I was his forever.

Oh my gosh you guys are amazing we have now hit over 700 reads. Thank you all for following Sapphire's ever changing story and for being so supportive of me as I write this story. As my thank to you I have decided to post twice today so enjoy! You guys are the best.

Gemini LycansTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang