Mother Drew

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After the realization I would never learn what happened I decided to walk home as we weren't too far away. I walked on the street pausing once the house came into view. How was I going to tell him I learned nothing? I gasped as I was launched backward my head bouncing off the pavement.

"Hey bitch I brought reinforcements," Rory smirked as I touched my head. I was bleeding and my vision blurred. I tried to sit up but a burst of magic hit me. I knew exactly whose magic it was, Tony.

"Tony stop," I gasped as he stood next to me. "We aren't supposed to be together Tony."

"I disagree Sapphire or is it Natalie. Do you even know who you are?" Tony snapped harshly. I fought against his power before finally using my own. I held up my hand knocking him across the road. I got up a scream escaping my mouth.

"Eric," I screamed as I was hit with another spell this one stronger and also familiar. Where had I felt this magic before. I fell to my knees fighting to maintain control. A woman stepped forward pulling off her hood. I gasped as she should have been dead long ago. She was Natalie's mother, my mother. "Mom please!"

"You don't deserve mercy. You betrayed us all Natalie," she growled grabbing my hair forcing my head up exposing my neck.

"ERIC!" I yelled as she pulled a sacred knife one designed to prevent a soul from returning. I watched as Eric materialized in front of us.

"Eric stay back. I don't want to hurt you," my mother snapped holding the knife against my throat.

"She's your daughter Deb," Eric said his eyes looking at me.

"Until our last breath doesn't mean join me," I said knowing he would end his own life to stay together.

"Rory hasn't this gone far enough yet. You lied about her committing a crime and killed her. You then tried to kill her and the ancestors and now you got her mother to think she's horrible when she just left a meeting with the ancestors. She has the ancestors' magic running through her veins meaning if you kill her you are the traitor," Eric growled as my mother gasped. She didn't realize my magic was stronger by me throwing Tony across the street.

"If you don't believe him hit me with all your magic. Try and kill me with the darkest spell you can think of," I said firmly as my mother lowered the knife. I braced myself for the blow. I winced as the darkness rushed through me. This amount of darkness would have killed anyone but I had my Lycan half strengthening my witch half. I felt her turning up the amount of magic. I looked into her eyes before I started pushing back against her power. I watched her fall to her knees her eyes widened in disbelief. I released her once she stopped trying to kill me.

"Rory I will never love you!" Eric growled helping me to my feet quickly.

"I would watch my back," Rory snapped as I faced her walking toward her.

"Why? You are powerless now," I sniped when I felt the cool blade in my back. I winced as the knife was pulled from my back and held against my throat.

"I thought I taught you never to let your guard down," Tony whispered in my ear before he dragged the blade across my throat. My blood oozed from the wound as I reached up trying to stop the bleeding. I collapsed into Eric's arms as he shook me.

"Stay awake I can heal you," Eric snapped his magic caressing my skin. I winced in pain my body rejected the magic.

"Eric I love you," I choked out before I was swallowed by the darkness...

I floated in a dark abyss my soul pulsing with pain. I watched as an image filled the the void and I settled into my old body.

"Natalie Eric is here," my mother called. I smiled before rushing downstairs.

"Hi," I said as he took my arm leading me outside. I gasped as a trail of glowing lights formed leading us to a clearing. "What's going on?"

"You will see soon," Eric smiled as we stood in the middle of the lights. I watched as Eric got down on one knee. "Natalie from the day I first met you I thought how could someone so beautiful be so sad. I got to know you and I thought how could someone so perfect not know it. And now that I know all this how could I not ask you to marry me. So now that I said this will you Natalie Drew marry me?" Tears cascaded my cheeks as I smiled. I nodded unable to formulate an acceptance. Eric slid the stunning ring onto my finger. The ring was simple but elegant. I pulled him to his feet before our lips touched sending a fire rushing through my entire being. He was everything to me and I would love him forever.

"I will love you until our last breath. You are better than anyone I have ever known," I said firmly as he caressed my cheek.

"And I will love you Natalie until our last breath," Eric said firmly.
I was floating again in total darkness but this time a person formed in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked as they laughed.

"You can't remember me Sapphire?" The man laughed. "I am the one who gave you a second life. You were meant to fix the problems Rory had caused. She turned a man destined to save us all into a man set to destroy the world. She also shift the balance of power."

"Did it work?" I asked softly wishing that I could have lived a full life with Eric.

"I'm afraid not. Eric the moment the light left your eyes he lost it. He killed Tony before turning and killing your mother," the man said sadly. "He continued on to absorb the Magi darkness in an attempt to bring you back. He went mad with power that never would be enough to save you." Oh Eric you could have been a force of good.

"I don't know how I can fix any of this. They used a knife designed to keep me dead," I whispered as the man laughed again.

"I created the knife and if you remembered me at all you would know that I always have a loophole, this one created just for you," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "Do you want to return knowing he might not remember you or be good again, will you return even if your magic is limited?"

"Yes," I said firmly. "I can save him I know it. We are tailored for each other. He was good for Sapphire and I will be bad if need be!"

"Be careful Sapphire and good luck," he said as the darkness started to clear...

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