1. Bench & Promises

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It's a funny thing to be surrounded by people that don't know a thing about you and that you don't know a thing about.
You might look around and try so hard to figure out people, but you can never fully grasp their story, unless you actually talk to them, but in all honesty, who does that? Nobody. Everyone is content with what they see on the surface, and most of us put up a wall. So you can never tell if the person sitting next to you on the bus is heartbroken, or if the person serving you your coffee is in grieving. Maybe the cheery waitress cries herself to sleep, every night.

Everyone has their own story, whether they share it with the world or not, everyone has been through a situation in their life that completely changed them for better or for worst and I'd say that I'm in the "worst" category. Whereas my life experiences made me realize that (a) nothing last forever, (b) there is no such thing as "if you love someone let them go" but more like "if you love someone they will go without considering the pain they will inflict you by doing so" and (c) you never get quite used to the pain. Believe me when I say that I had to get through quite a few things to learn this. And all of it made me numb to life. I now feel like I am passing by, instead of living.

Two hours.

Two hours that I've been sitting on this bench, at the art gallery, looking at everyone around me. Some people have noticed me. They nodded with a small smile to greet me and I smiled back, but every time, these simple smiles took everything I had in me. People could sense it, and luckily they never tried to start a conversation with me. I don't want to be here, I shouldn't be here, but the thing is that I promised, and if there is one thing that you should know about me, it's that I always keep my promises.

Why am I here you ask? Well, other than fulfilling a promise I made a couple of weeks ago, it just so happens that, on this fine summer day, it's my aunt Meghan's art show. She's been living as an independent artist in New York for many years and she's organizing her yearly exposition. Usually, attending isn't a problem but after everything that has happened in the past couple months, I really didn't wanted to come down to New York. Obviously, Aunt Meg being her perseverant self had made it her life mission to change my mind.

"Anna! You have to come to my show next weekend!" Meg whined.
"Meg, I don't think I'm up for it. You know, with everything going on lately..."
"This has got to stop, Anna! You're using this as an excuse not to move on in life! You know as well as me that she would have wanted you to live life to the fullest."

My grip on the phone became tighter as tears threatened to fall.

"I don't have the energy to, everything reminds me of her..."
"More the reason to come down here to New York, escape your routine for a weekend, it will change your mind a little." I could hear the determination in her voice. I sighed. When Meg's got an idea in her head, it's hard to change her mind.
"I don't know, Aunt Meg..."
"Please Anna! It would mean so much to me if you would attend."
"I'll think about it..."
"Don't, you're coming over next weekend!"
"Aunt Meg..."

I groaned in defeat.

"Fine" I said, my voice lower than a whisper.
"I said fine."
"Really?" The joy in her voice made me smile slightly.
"Promise?" She cheered.

A small smile tugged at my lips as I thought about our conversation. As much as she annoyed me and as much as I hated to admit it, she was exactly what I needed right now.

Meghan knew exactly how to get me to do things. She knew me so well and I've always looked up to her. Ever since I was little, she had been my inspiration, living of her art, not taking any crap from anyone. She was a free spirit and I admired that about her.

In a way I felt like I owed it to her, I had to come to her art show. She's been so supportive of my art; it would be the least of things to be supportive of hers in return.

And that's why I've been sitting on a bench for two hours.

* * *

Hiiii! I know that this is kind of short but it's only the first chapter, I just wanted to set things. It's also very vague, and that is intentional, you'll understand more and more every chapter.
I hope you liked it! Please comment and let me know what you think :)
You can talk to me on Twitter @K_xrry!

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