Chapter 7: Homecoming Queen is......??

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                            's homecoming week!!! The dress-up days are Monday-Duct tape day Tuesday- Gender Bender day Wednesday- 80s day Thursday- Class color day Friday- School color day  Without further ado heres the chapter!

Maighlin's POV

I was so excited to start the week that I got up at 5:00 a.m. to put my duct tape outfit together!  I wore a duct tape dress! I used floral duct tape and it turned out great!

*at school*

I showed up to school and instantly had a smile on my face. Everyone looked so ridiculous in their duct tape attire. I was even happier when Harry was waiting for me by my locker. How sweet! "You look nice!" he said. "Not so bad yourself!" I commented on his duct tape tux.  We then walked to homeroom together.


The next couple of days are pretty boring just add some funky clothes. We will skip to Friday which is the day of coronation and the big cheerleading routine!

*5:30 p.m. at the school rehearsing for the final performance of the cheer routine*

Maighlin's POV

"Should we go through it one last time?" I asked Sydney. "Just for good luck! Alright pretend this is the real thing girls!" she announced to the whole squad. After that I felt very confident and excited to show everyone! But now we needed to head over to Charlotte's to get ready for coronation and the parade!

Charlotte's POV

We were all rushing to slip on our dresses and get our makeup and hair perfect. The parade was starting in 10 min. and we needed to be in position to ride in the back the trucks in 5. We finished up and each climbed into our designated trucks. I was partnered with Adam. (guys in their class.) Maighlin was with Justin. Sydney was with Ethan. Alyssa was with Hunter. Emmaleigh was with Alex.

*parade is ending and the court is getting in position*

Maighlin's POV

After the crowd settled down it was time for us to enter. I was third to go so Sydney and Ethan went first. Charlotte and Adam next. Then it was my turn. I was so nervous. Thankfully I didn't trip. The rest of the court took their seats and to stall for us cheerleaders the captain of the football team introduced the team. We ran behind stage to change quick. This was it. Time to perform our routine for everyone. We took our positions and the music began.

*everyone is clapping and the cheer routine went great!*

We nailed it! We didn't have time to waste we had to change back into our dresses for crowning. We took our seats again. The presenter then had the previous year's queen come and crown the king. She walked up and down a couple of times before placing it on Justin's head. He went and grabbed the envelope holding the winner inside. He also grabbed the crown and the flowers.

Charlotte's POV

Justin was king and now he is headed over to crown the queen. He is pacing up and down the aisle passing us each at least three times. I was hoping that Maighlin would win. He was slowing down by Maighlin but then passed her up and all of a sudden.....the crown was being placed on my head!!!!!! I was so surprised! He handed me the flowers and we took our spots on stage.

Emmaleigh's POV

Charlotte won! I'm so happy for her! Coronation is now over and everyone is leaving the gym. The big game is tomorrow and everyone is so excited for the dance. Tonight we were all sleeping at Sydney's. We decided to invite the boys over as well. Her parents had taken off for a vacation and would not be back for another two days. 

Harry's POV

After coronation Maighlin mentioned that everyone was going to Sydney's to watch movies and just hang out. She asked if I wanted to come and I said,"Of course!" I told her I was going home to change first. She told me to meet her there. I went home and told the boys and turns out the girls had already asked them. We got some popcorn and some movies and headed to Sydney's.

Louis' POV

We got to Sydney's and since none of us were really in a movie mood we decided to play some Wii. Just Dance 3 to be specific. That game is awesome. We all took turns embarrassing ourselves and having a great time while doing it. About an hour and a half passed and the game was getting old so we decided to put the movie in. The movie was Insidious.

Alyssa's POV

I hate scary movies. The boys had brought over Insidious. I heard that movie is so scary. I didn't want to tell anyone that I was scared so I just took my spot by Zayn and hoped it wouldn't be that bad. I grabbed a pillow to hide my face and the movie began.

Liam's POV

Everyone had taken a spot on the big couches at Sydney's. Zayn and Alyssa at one end and Harry and Maighlin on the other. Emmaleigh and Niall on one of the other couch and Charlotte and Louis on the other. Sydney and I took the two-seat couch. We turned out all the lights and the movie started. I don't really like scary movies but it's fun to watch them with Sydney. She doesn't like them either so she hides her face in my chest during every scary part. Not complaining at all.

Maighlin's POV

I had never wanted to see Insidious but it turned out to be not as scary as I thought. I caught Harry hiding his face more than me! I know he will deny it if I ask so we will just pretend he didn't. 

Niall's POV

I love scary movies! So does Emmaleigh. We were both so interested in the movie that I hadn't realized that she was as close as she was. I put my arm around her and we finished the movie.

Zayn's POV

After the movie no one was really tired. Louis came out of nowhere and said,"Spin the Bottle!!!" We all exchanged looks and then Maighlin said, "We will play only if everyone agrees that no one can take the kiss personal. That means no jealousy! Got it?" We all agreed and Sydney went to grab a bottle.

Sydney's POV

I decided to go first so I gave the bottle a spin. It took forever to slow down but when it did it landed on Zayn. He looked up and blushed. I leaned in and we shared a quick peck. No big deal.  Now it was Emmaleigh's turn. She spun and it landed on Liam. They shared a quick kiss. We continued the game for about 15 min. Harry ended up kissing Charlotte. Louis ended up kissing Maighlin. Niall ended up kissing Alyssa. I checked the time and it read,2:30 a.m.

Maighlin's POV

"Time for bed!" I announced. We have a big day tomorrow. The football game starts at 1:00 p.m. and the dance is at 8:00 p.m. The boys left and we all found a spot on the floor to sleep.

If you couldn't picture the cheer routine or what gym looks like here is an actual video of a homecoming routine at my school.!/video/video.php?v=2072971266805

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