Chapter Six

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Stephanie's POV

The end of the school year had flown by and I had been busy with summer school for the last few weeks. I had been kind of dating Michael for almost two months now. He would come to Jefferson when he got the chance in between shows. He was so damn sweet and thoughtful. We had a lot of fun together.

It hadn't progressed further past a couple of make-out sessions and I was ok with that, no matter how good looking he was, for some reason I just wasn't ready. I sighed as I finished straightening my hair. Michael would be here soon and he and I were meeting Kolby at the county fair. He was going to hang out for the weekend before heading back up to Nashville for CMA fest.

I hadn't heard from Brantley too much in the last few weeks. He had liked a picture that I had posted of Michael and I on Instagram, but other than one or two phone calls and the occasional text I hadn't seen him since that Sunday afternoon. The summer leg of his Devil Don't Sleep Tour was ramping up so I knew that he was busy. Kolby and I had plans to fly out and catch a show next month sometime.

While I finished my makeup, I reached over and dialed B's number and put it on speaker while I applied my mascara. It rang and rang before his deep voice came out of the speaker as his voicemail picked up. I wrinkled my nose and hit the button to end the call. I glared at the phone like he could see me before I slipped my flip flops on as I heard a knock at the front door.

Brantley's POV

I was sitting in Rhett's music room writing with him and Ben Hayslip when my phone starting blaring Van Halens "Hot for Teacher". Ben cracked up at the song choice as I glanced at it before letting it ring.

"Who has that ringtone man?" Ben asked me as I went back to tuning my guitar. I had called them up to do some song writing instead of spending the few days I had off at Rhett's house in Georgia before heading up to Nashville since I hadn't felt like going home.

Kolby was pissed because I was off and missing the annual county fair, but I just told him I wasnt up to it this year.

"That my friend was the best friend," Rhett said with a smirk turning his hat backwards and writing down a lyric had just come up with. "She is a very, very hot high school history teacher."

I rolled my eyes and growled at them both.

"We going to gossip like a bunch of old ladies or are we going to write," I grumbled and picked back up playing the song we had been working on. I felt bad because I had been ignoring Stephanie a little. I told myself it was giving her space to see how things were going with Michael.

Stephanie's POV

Michael and I were walking around hand in hand sharing a bag of cotton candy when I heard my name being called out. I looked back over my shoulder to see Kolby, Eli ,and Ashley heading our way. I turned and waited on them to catch up as Michael wrapped an arm around my waist. I saw Ashley's eyes widen slightly before tamping down what she was thinking.

"Hey guys. Michael, I think you've met BG's brother Kolby before," I said as Kolby extended his hand to shake Michael's. This is two of mine and B's oldest friends Eli and Ashley Cooper. We are both actually godparents to their kids." Michael shook Eli's hand and smiled at Ashely.

"So, what are y'all up to," Ashley asked.

"Oh, we were about to head over to the Tilt-A-Whirl if yall wanted to go?" I said flashing them both a smile.

"Sure, I'll go with y'all," Kolby said before leaning over to give me a hug. I looked over at Ashley and she shook her head.

"Have to pass darlin, I just got a text from mom that I need to get back and get the kids. We'll catch up sometime this week, "she said before she and Eli both gave me a kiss on the cheek and gave Michael a smile.

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