Chapter Ten

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Stephanie's  POV

I ran around Brantley's kitchen like a chicken with my head cut off. Kolby, the jackass was sitting at the bar, his face bright red from laughing. I was in the middle of cutting up vegetables for a salad and tossed a carrot at him. That only made his dumbass laugh harder.

We had invited Becky over tonight to tell her about the baby. Brantley and I had sat down earlier today with my parents. My dad had grumbled at first about how he had thought Brantley had pulled his head out of his ass when he called to ask if he could marry me. But then he found out he had gotten me pregnant before said married had even taken place.

Thankfully, after the initial shock wore off, they had gotten excited. Brantley, was still walking around with his balls attached. Think that was because mom was determined this wouldnt be her only grandchild. Dad was still laughing when we left after he found out about Brantley's reaction. B, knew that he wasn't living that one down with Dad anytime soon.

"Short stuff, you are sweating like a hooker in church. Calm down. It's not good for my niece or nephew that's along for the ride at the moment," he said between laughs.

"Shut up Giant. You know your mama is gonna kill us," I said shaking my head chewing on my lip. I loved that woman like a second mother but crap she could be scary when she wanted to be.

"Well she wouldn't even want to if you had agreed to marry me like I asked, "Brantley growled out as he walked into the kitchen with a platter of steaks hed just pulled off the grill. Holy hell! He was standing there in a white tank, black shorts, barefoot, and a backwards hat. Good lord, I wanted to jump him on a good day and now we were throwing in pregnancy hormones. Heaven help me. I shook my head to clear the arousal and then focused on what he had said.

"Oh shit, "I heard Kolby mumble.

"Well mister, if you had asked instead of demanded we might be having a different conversation right now," I snapped putting my hands on my hips and glaring at him.

He quirked an eyebrow at me. "Here it was I thought you liked my caveman tendencies sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes and went back to chopping. "Yea, when it comes to sex I do. Throw me over your shoulder, smack my ass and haul me off to your cave is all well and good then. Not when it comes to a fucking marriage proposal you dumbass."

"Agghhh my ears!! I did not need to know that shit about you two!" Kolby whined covering his ears. Brantley had walked over to stand even with me. His body language was slightly rigid and he glared down at me.

"So, are you saying that you'd never want to marry me? Because...." he got out before I smacked his shoulder.

"Oh, shut up B. How about you try again and not be so damn demanding jackass?" I said which caused him to mutter under his breath. In the middle of our argument we hadn't heard the door open or footsteps coming in the kitchen.

"Good grief. Am going to have to put you two in time out away from each other, or can we play nice kiddos?" Mama Becky asked standing in the doorway of the kitchen with her hands on her hips, shaking her blonde head at us.

"Mama, thank god! Get them to shut up please," Kolby said jumping up to give his mom a hug.

"Stephanie Lynn, Brantley Keith reign it in you two! I swear y'all act like you're twelve years old again and fighting over who beat who at Mortal Kombat. I thought things were ok between you two again, " she said after hugging Kolby and making her way over to us.

Brantley stepped away from me and wrapped her up in a big hug with a kiss on her cheek. She stepped out of his arms and gave me a hug before pulling back and looking at me.

"Steph, you been laying in the sunbed again honey? You look like you are glowing," she said before she started directing the boys to set the table. Kolby choked on the tomato he had grabbed out of the salad as he walked by. We sat down and Brantley said the prayer before we dug in. We made small talk and caught up over a good meal. I had been sick most of the morning and I had been starving.

When we finished the boys ran us out onto the deck while they cleaned the kitchen. Mama Becky and I were reminiscing about some the stuff we had gotten into growing up when the guys made their way outside. I had been sprawled out in the swing and Brantley picked me up before sitting back down with me in his lap, his arms wrapped tightly around me. I noticed Mama Beckys eyes widen a little.

"So, I see something around here is different. Son, did you finally see what we all have been seeing for years and man up?" she asked sweetly. Kolby burst out laughing as Brantley flipped him off.

"How many times am I going to here that? I wasn't the only dumb one here it seems, "he said ticking my sides. I laughed and reached up to peck him on the lips.

"But to answer your question Mama, yes, we are together," he said with a smile before nuzzling my neck.

"Good. It's about time. Now, hurry up and make an honest woman out of her so I can get me some grandbabies. I know Susan must be thrilled. We have been waiting on you two to see the sparks between you for years," she said with a laugh.

Brantley playfully glared down at me before looking at his mama." Well Mama, I've tried but she refused me."

"Oh, don't you even try and make this all my fault Brantley Keith! If you hadn't come in and demanded we go get married we wouldn't have ever had a problem!" I snapped before jumping out of his arms and turning around to glare at him.

"Just because I may have not gone about it the right way doesnt mean the sentiment was any less Steph," he said standing up to get toe to toe with me.

"Sentiment huh, not like I've seen a damn ring at all in any of this hotshot," I seethed. At this point we were glaring at each other, hands on our hips and almost nose to nose as he'd leaned down to glare at me. Sylo had went to hide behind Kolbys chair, like uh oh Daddy has done it again.

"Ahh, now I see where the bruise on his jaw came from," Becky said as she moved to stand between us. She reached up in a swift move perfected over the years, grabbed B's ear and pulled his head down.

"Ow! Ouch! Dammit Mama!" he whined as she tugged a little harder when he cussed.

"Language Brantley Keith. Stop snickering Stephanie Lynn. Now son, I raised you to be a gentleman. Why the heck would you just march in a demand Steph marry you, especially with no ring, "Becky asked staring him down before letting go of his ear.

He hung his head and mumbled.

"What was that son, I didn't hear you?"

"Because she's pregnant, he said a little louder before raising his head and looking at her. Her jaw dropped open with his answer. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to him. We watched as the shock wore off and tears pooled in her eyes. She pointed at my stomach as she put a hand over her mouth. We nodded as she tackled both of us and hugged us. I started crying too.

"Finally! I get grandbabies. I was starting to think I was gonna be too old to enjoy them at the rate these two knot heads were moving," she said kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey!" Kolby and Brantley yelled in unison.

"When are you due honey," she asked.

"January 20th," I said with a smile as her eyes watered again.

"Oh wow. My babies are having babies," she said wiping her eyes and hugging us both again. Then she smacked Brantley upside the head and shook a finger at him.

"Son, I expect a proposal to her and it done right mister. You've been in love with her for years even if you didn't realize it. She deserves more than being demanded to march down the aisle."

"Yes mam..." he drawled shooting me a playful glare.

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