Flashback: Way Back: Part II

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Brantley's POV

I took another drag from my cigarette as I paced the back deck off the kitchen. I glanced over at my guitar and song book narrowing my eyes. Brian was supposed to be here any minute to finish up the song we had been working on the last few days. I had already taken a ride around some back roads on my bike this morning trying to calm myself down and clear my head.

What had I gotten myself into I wondered. I should be happy. I was getting a chance with the one girl who had gotten away. I mean, it felt like there was still something there. But on the other hand I couldn't shake the pissed off feeling I had after seeing that picture of Brian with Stephanie last night. I almost stopped by today to see her and ask what in the hell she was thinking. I just didn't have the patience to have a knock down drag out with her today. I finished my cigarette as the door from the house opened and Brian came walking out with his guitar.

"Hey bro," he said with a grin. "How's it going?"

"I dunno," I growled crossing my arms over my chest and glaring. "Why don't you tell me?"

He gave me a puzzled look and sat his guitar case down and opened it. "Ummm.... what crawled up your ass Brantley ? You look like someone pissed in your Cheerios."

"You tell me man," I snapped. "Why were you out with Stephanie last night?"
He stilled his movements and turned to look at me meeting my glare.

"I had a couple of beers with a friend last night," he said. "She's worried about you by the way."

"Why the fuck is she so worried about me?" I grumbled dropping down into my favorite rocking chair on the deck. "If it's my sobriety man, I am fine."

"Do you blame her? She vented to me because I came around at the end of that situation," Brian said with a raised eyebrow. "Last time that woman ripped your heart out when she walked away."

"Can you please not refer to my girlfriend as that woman?" I growled picking up my guitar. Brian let out a low whistle shaking his head. "What?"

"Man, you really are a dumbass," he muttered. "You'd rather try again with the woman who ripped your heart out once upon a time than grow some balls and quit being chicken shit and man up by telling the one you really love the truth."

"What fuck you talking about Brian?" I snapped shaking my head. I ducked the pick tossed at my head.

"Oh you know blonde, beautiful, stands about 5'3, full of piss and vinegar, and been known to knock your ass around from time to time. Has a rack that draws every mans eye and an ass that doesn't quit," he said with a smirk.

"Chose...your....next..words..carefully," I growled leaning forward in my chair and glaring at him. Brian didn't blink an eye as he pointed a finger at me and snickered.

"Ahh, there it is," he grinned. "I don't see that look in your eye when I mention Amber. So, I'll ask again. Why the fuck won't you man up?"

"I don't know what you are talking about man," I grumbled. "How many times do I have to tell you, we are just friends. Amber, on the other hand, I am gonna try and give this a fair shot since I am sober."

"Whatever you need to keep telling yourself to help you sleep at night bro," Brian muttered tuning his guitar then grinned and poked at his chest. "Me personally, I'd rather have that sexy blonde snuggled up to me than the past. But that's just me. How long before the past tries to change you? Your life is way different now."

"Brian....." I grounded out between clenched teeth trying to keep my blood pressure down when all I really wanted to was sock him in the jaw. Might wipe that grin off his face. "I'm only saying this one..morefucking..time. Don't ever fucking think about Stephanie Lynn like that, do you hear me? And for fucks sakes, Amber doesn't want to change me. She wants to try again, something Ive wanted for years. Only thing she ever did want to was me being sober. Guess what.... I am."

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