Let it Ride Tour 2014

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Stephanie's POV

I ran down the hallway my pass swinging around my neck with Kolby and PJ both trying to keep up with me. Mine and Kolby's flight from Atlanta had landed in Wisconsin later than we were supposed to be. I had been pissed. I was originally not going to be at a show until he played closer to home but he'd begged me the other day to come to this one right before he left.
Like the bus was in the school parking lot.

My entire fifth hour World History class had been standing at the door peeking out as we argued in the hallway. I had my back turned to them slightly and Brantley had been grinning. Pretty sure the new girl who had moved here from Alabama last week was drooling. I'd had to turn my head at the look on her face when Brantley had opened my classroom door and smother a laugh. My other students were used to seeing him come in and out.

"BG!" I heard one of my football players call out from the back as B held his hand up and waved with a grin.

"Think I can steal Miss Davis for a few minutes y'all?" he asked grinning and leaning against the door. I rolled my eyes and stepped away from my desk.

"Get started on that work sheet I just handed out please," I directed and walked to the door pushing him out into the hall. I left the door cracked then turned to look at him leaning against the lockers across from me. Lord that was a pose I had seen a thousand times in high school. I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"What do you need rockstar?" I said raising an eyebrow at him. I could hear chairs being slid back and feet shuffling. Those kids I thought shaking my head. He pushed off the lockers and stalked over to me then looked down at me with a grin.

"Who said I need something sweetheart?" he said giving me a smirk.

"Really B," I said rolling my eyes. "You're supposed to be on a bus right now and you're interrupting my fifth hour class instead."
He stepped closer to me and tugged on the ends of my ponytail that was draped over my shoulder.

"Maybe I just wanted to tell you goodbye one more time and the bus is parked in the parking lot," he said quietly giving me a flirty grin with a wink. I smacked him in the chest with the back of my hand.

"Save it for the BG skank brigade buddy," I hissed lowly. "Use all the charm on them."

He let out a loud laugh and rolled his eyes. "Can it Steph. Fine! I do want something. Please come to the show this weekend in Wisconsin?"

"B, I told you I would catch the few close to home coming up," I muttered shaking my head. That backwards hat and those pouting green eyes were making my resolve weaken. Fucker knew it too.

"Pleeeeeaaaaaasssseeeeeeee," he begged poking his lip out. "Kolby said he would fly up with you."

"Yea Miss Davis!" I heard Chris our first baseman call out from the doorway. "If you won't go I will!"

I turned to cut my eyes at the door.

"Have a seat Mr. Johnson," I said pointing my finger at him and got a sheepish grin in return. "Plus, you have a ball tournament this weekend I believe."

He ducked back in the classroom as Brantley laughed. I turned back to him with a sigh as his phone rang in his pocket. I didn't even have to ask who it was.

"Better go before Tony kicks your tail for messing with his perfectly timed schedule," I said pointing towards the parking lot. "He'll start honking any minute."

"Nope," Brantley said standing there staring at me. "Not until you say yes sweetheart. Then when we are late I'll tell Mike its all your fault."

"Please," I scoffed. "Mike knows better than that. He'll believe me before you."

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