Flashback: Christmas 2016: Part II

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Christmas Eve 2016

Stephanie's POV

I backed out of Ashley and Eli's driveway with a sigh. Tinsley had put her hands on her hips when I walked in earlier. Her first question had been "where's Unca B?". I had explained to her that he was hopefully getting a flight home right now and would be by to see what all Santa brought her tomorrow. She seemed satisfied with that after Ashley had promised her with an evil grin, that he would for sure have a tea party with her with her new tea set.

The sweetest smile had come across her face as she thought about her favorite pink feather boa and princess crown and stated that it would look awesome on him. I sighed quietly looking at the darkening sky. Looks like I would be watching Christmas movies all alone. Kolby had decided to hang with the kids for a little while shooting Cam's new gun before going to Mama Becky's and Sylo had stayed with him.

I was focused on driving when I heard my phone ding with a text making me jump. I glanced over to read it.

B: Hey sweetheart. Looks like we may get to leave soon. Can you do me a huge favor and grab my gifts for Mama and Kolby from the house and drop them off to her. I don't know what kind of layovers we may be looking at and I may have to head there straight from the airport. I knew you took yours over there yesterday.

My heart dropped a little at his text, but I pulled in the service station parking lot and turned the opposite direction to head to Maysville.

Steph: Yea I can rockstar. But you owe me mister.

B: I know I do darlin. I'll make it up to you and thanks again. I'll shoot you a text when I get flight details.

I cranked up the radio as I drove trying to put myself in a better mood. A little bit later I rolled my window down to punch in the code for the gate before heading up the driveway. I pulled up closer to the front door and killed the engine before hopping out to head inside. My phone beeped with a text and I tugged it out of my jeans pocket to check it.

I cracked up laughing at the photo of Luke and Caroline in their Christmas sweaters. Man, I missed her. I needed to try and get up there or out to a show soon. I headed to B's front door finding the key I needed and unlocked the door. I sat my keys down on the table then rubbed my hands on my arms against the chill in the house.

A strong cold front had started moving in this morning and I knew the heat was cut down since he was gone, and no one had been here to light a fire. Since I was in a hurry I used the flash light on my phone and headed towards the Harley Davidson themed Christmas tree in the corner of the living room.

I had grinned when I had finally talked him into a tree and this was what he wanted. I leaned over digging through the wrapped presents trying to find the ones I was looking for. I knew they should be right there I had seen them when I came to get Tinsley and Cam's yesterday. I was so intent on my task I didn't realize I wasn't alone until an arm banded around my waist tugging me backwards making me scream.

"Sweet Jesus Stephanie Lynn," I heard growled in my ear. "Think you woke the dead with that one."

I stomped on the foot of the person holding me causing them to let go and whirled around swinging a fist at their face only to be stopped with a hand grabbing my wrist twisting my arm behind my back gently. My heart finally quit pounding long enough as recognition set in.

"Dammit Brantley Keith!" I snarled up at him as he chuckled. "That was not funny you asshole!"

"I'm sorry sweetheart," he said giving me a smile then dropping my arm as he stepped away from me and towards the light switch. He turned on the living room lights then walked back towards me with a smile pulling out something from his back. I narrowed my eyes at the mistletoe then rolled my eyes. He held it over his head then smirked as he patted his bearded cheek. "Time to pay up sweetheart."

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