😁Bonus Scene 😁

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June 2018

Brantley's POV

I handed my guitar off after singing "Grown Ass Man" and got settled better on my stool. I swear these damn things got more uncomfortable every time. I went over the rules for the VIP and upon finding out there were no kids present tonight, I could see that it was going to get rowdy. I glanced to the back to where PJ was standing and saw no Stephanie.

I shook my head. Why wasn't I surprised. Tonight, was one of the few shows this summer we had lined up to play with Luke. Carson was with Mama and the boys were with Caroline's parents, so lord help me and Luke. I couldn't help but chuckle as a girl about eighteen asked me brand of cigarettes I smoked.

"Well darlin," I said shaking my head and smiling. "When I do it's Marlboro Lights. I have cut back some since Carson was born and my wife thinks it's funny to hide them from me."
I pointed to an older guy standing in the back with a big grin.

"I know a lot of your songs are about your life. There been one that has gotten you in trouble with someone?" he asked with a laugh.

I hung my head as I felt my shoulders shake with laughter at a memory. I lifted my head and looked at him nodding as I lifted the mic back up. "Yea man. I can say I have gotten in trouble for one or two. "Smokin Gun" is probably the most recent one. Yes, that one is about my wife. No, I am not going into details because I value my life and my balls."
I shuddered as the crowd cracked up.

"I ain't playing y'all. That woman is a hellion. Course putting up with me for so damn long has been part of it. But for those of y'all that don't know, I literally married my best friend. She has held that title for over twenty years. Shes always has gotten the first copy of any album that has been put out. First time she ever heard that song, she paused the CD, turned to glare at me across the room and launched the first thing she could find at my head. Just so happened to be a pair of my brass knuckles that were on the table. I am a pro at ducking things for her now."

"Should have seen him when she was pregnant," PJ called out from the back of the room earning him a middle finger from me as everyone laughed. "We thought about buying him body armor."

"Are they out on the road with you this weekend?" a lady about my age asked from the left side.

"My son is actually with my mom," I said adjusting my hat and leaning on the microphone stand.

"She demanded she needed Mamaw time so there ya go. I'd bet you good money that she and my brother are fighting over him right about now. Now Stephanie, yea she's here tonight. Not sure exactly where though."

I rolled my eyes and pointed at the crowd.

"Y'all just beware. I am telling you right now. I'm waiting on my phone to ring with it being Luke calling. My wife and his wife, well, they like to get into all sorts of trouble when they get together. They've been good friends since before we even got married and it's always a trip when they get together. The rest of their band of crazies as I call them,  are not here so y'all might be safe."

"Band of crazies huh," a brunette in her twenties said in the front.

"Yes mam," I drawled with a wink. "You get Stephanie, Caroline Bryan, Lauren Atkins, Kate Moore and Brittany Aldean together. Woohoooo boy!! They are a trip. I have to bribe PJ back there to go anywhere with them. Man swears they get into all kinds of shenanigans."

I answered a few more questions as was almost ready to wrap it up when a hand raised from the middle of the group. I could just make out a black hat a lot like mine and some blonde hair. There was another woman standing next to her with a backwards camo hat on. The lady was short enough that the top of her head was all that I could see.

"Yes mam," I said pointing at her. "Go ahead."

"Well," she said glancing around her. "I just have to ask boxers or briefs?"

"Mam," I said scratching my head ready to shut this down since I always ask for the questions to be respectful to Steph. I shifted on the stool as the lady propped her hand on her hip grinning at me. "I don't think......"

I narrowed my eyes looking closer then shook my head.

"Woman, you know the damn answer to that question. Nottthhhhhhiiiiinnnnnnn......"

I rolled my eyes at the whistles and yells from the rest of the ladies in the room. The woman with the backwards camo hat on being the loudest.

"I do believe you were standing right there talking on the phone when I yanked these jeans on."

The loud laugh I heard made me grin as PJ walked forward in the crowd a little. I could see a few people giving me a look like oh shit, who is this lady.

"Stephanie Lynn Gilbert, "I growled playfully into my mic standing up to shake my finger at her. She tugged my hat off her head laughing.
"Get your ass up here woman. See y'all. See what I put up with. She's got her little partner in crime with her too."

Steph got to the edge of the stage as Caroline slipped to the back of the crowd with a wave. I reached a hand down to tug her up beside my wrapping my arm around her waist and sliding my hand into her back pocket looking down at her.

"So, help me rockstar," Stephanie said pinching my side with a grin. "If you start singing "Freeballin" again I just may shoot you."

"Now sweetheart," I said smiling down at her. "Because I'm free....."

Stephanie placed her hand over my mouth shutting me up with shaking her head. I chuckled and tightened my grip on her bending her backwards a little over my arm to lean down and kiss her. I could feel her grin against my lips as I pulled back and looked down at her as the crowd around us cheered.

"Damn you," she muttered blushing slightly at the attention.

"Teach you to interrupt my VIP again,"  I whispered giving her a wink then telling everyone goodbye.

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