Flashback: Inspiration for Smokin Gun: Part I

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August 2016

Stephanie's POV

I toasted Ashley with my shot glass and gave her a halfhearted grin as we both tossed the tequila shot back. She giggled and waved the bartender down for another round. The fun part of the night so far had been the open bar. Eli looked over at us and shook his head as he continued his conversation.

I was third-wheeling it with them tonight at a wedding for one of our friends from high school. Well, second wedding. Christina's first marriage hadn't worked out so well. I knew all the little old ladies where staring me down. Here I was thirty-one and I hadn't even had the first marriage yet.

I'd had at least three point it out tonight. When they asked me "are you next?" I wanted to catch them at a funeral and be able to return the favor by pointing at the casket and asking the same thing. I tossed back the next shot Ashley slid to me. We hadn't been the close to Christina in high school other than hanging out some but Eli was her cousin.

"Stephanie honey good to see you," I heard from my side and turned my head slightly to see Christina's snooty ass grandmother standing beside me. Ashley stifled a groan from beside me.

"Mrs. Parker," I said pasting a sugary sweet smile on my face. "How have you been?"

She tugged the strand of pearls around her neck and gave me a smile. "Been doing just fine dear. Such a beautiful wedding wasn't it."

"Yes, it was," Ashley and I both replied. I saw her eyes narrow in on my bare ring finger. Aghhh here we go.

"Honey, when is it going to be your turn?" Mrs. Parker inquired with a cocked eyebrow. "Surely you want kids before you get too much older."

"Yes mam," I muttered trying to keep a growl out of my voice. "I do. Just haven't met the right man yet. Maybe one day."

She leaned over and patted my hand before taking the glass of wine she was handed. "Well darlin, hopefully you will meet one soon. Might want to consider hanging out a little less with that wild Gilbert boy. A lot of good men could be intimidated by a woman who hangs with him. Well have a good night girls."

I narrowed my eyes at her back as she strolled away. I let a low growl out in my throat as Ash passed me another shot.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I muttered tossing back the tequila with a wince. "Damn man is a millionaire. A well-known country music artist and does more for this community than he will take credit for. But those old bats only still see the hell raiser he used to be sometimes. It's not like my best friend runs off every man that gets near me."

"Easy there killer," Ashley snickered and turned on her stool to face me. "Nah, it's only just every other one. Haven't found one to stand up to BG yet. He still in the doghouse?"

"Him and Mike both," I grumbled peeling the label off the beer in front of me. "He couldn't get that interview rescheduled so I was left dateless to this tonight."

"Knowing BG," she said with a laugh. "He'll think of something to do to make it up to his best buddy."

I shrugged my shoulders and sipped my beer. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to my left to see a really hot groomsman standing there smiling. He was good looking, maybe a little preppy for my tastes but hmmm....

He had barely gotten a hello out of his mouth when Ashley leaned around me holding her hand up.

"Nope, run along Junior," she said barking out a laugh. "I can promise, you can not handle this blonde. The red head bridesmaid is more your speed."

His eyes grew wide and he backed away.

"Ash!" I whined glaring at her. "That's the third cute guy you or Eli has scared off tonight."

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