Flashback: Girls,Girls,Girls: Part I

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November 2016

Brantleys POV

I pulled out of Mama's driveway after glancing down at my phone. I saw that it was a little after seven. Steph and Kolby both had text me earlier saying they were going to pile up and watch movies since the weather was cold and rainy I had been off the road for a couple of weeks. Kolby and I had been going back and forth to the farm to go hunting.

I was supposed to head Illinois next weekend for a hunt. Stephanie had pouted for a week when she found out Kolby and I were going. Growled that we could have at least waited until she was off for Thanksgiving break. I turned in her driveway and parked to the side of her Explorer. Kolbys truck was parked behind it.

I huddled into my Under Armor hoodie as I got out of the truck. Damn that wind was cold. I opened the front door and walked on in. I tossed keys onto the little side table she had in the foyer before kicking off my boots so I didnt get yelled at. I walked into the living room and my jaw dropped. My brother and my best friend were sprawled out on the couch and loveseat laughing like two loons at the TV.

I saw the pizza boxes on the coffee table and raised my eyebrow at the movie on the TV. Each of them had a red SOLO cup in hand. I noticed a few beer bottles on the coffee table. Sylo was curled up on the bed he had here at Steph's sound asleep. I swear he spent more time here than at home sometimes. I walked over to the loveseat, picking up Stephanie's sweat pant covered legs and lifting them up so I could sit down. I sat down and she automatically stretched her legs back out over mine as she took a sip from the cup.

"What the hell are you two watching?" I asked them.

"Magic Mike XXL," they both said before cracking up laughing. Steph looked over at me and grinned.

"Seriously bro," I said rolling my eyes. "She talked you into this shit."

"Hell, yea man," Kolby said with a grin. "When am I going to turn down an offer of Short Stuff feeding me."

It was then I noticed the slightly glassed over eyes on both of them.

"What have you two been drinking besides beer?" I said with a laugh squeezing Steph's leg.

"Double Titos and Sprite," Stephanie said with a crooked grin before turning her attention back to the tv screen.

"I could so do that," Kolby said with a loud laugh.

"Bro, no one wants to see that trust me," I said as I settled back further into the loveseat getting more comfortable. I could see the flush on Stephanie's face. Yep, she was on her way to feeling good.

"I bet there are tons of women that would pay good money to see B doing it though," she said taking her foot and pushing my chest lightly. "Want me to go get some dollar bills?"

"Yea, that is a no there sweetheart. It took me two years to finally get you to delete that video of me dancing on the pole at the house. So yea not happening."

Kolby laughed and got up to walk into the kitchen. I leaned over to whisper in Stephanie's ear.

"Now, if it was just a private show for you darlin, I may could be talked into it."
She rolled her eyes and poked my side making me laugh. Kolby came back in and plopped back down on the couch.

"You know, that's something I have never been to do," Stephanie said pointing at the tv with her cup.

"What are strip club?" I asked looking over at her. "Yes, you have. We went for my 21st birthday remember."

"Nope, I didn't," she said shaking her head. "Two months difference remember."

"Oh yea, if I remember right Eli had to pack me out," I said grinning. "I remember waking up the next morning trying to figure out why in the hell I was covered in glitter."

"You know what," Kolby said sitting up to look over at us. "Let's go."

"YES!!" Stephanie said sitting up some to grin over at my brother. They both turned to look over at me with mischievious smiles on their faces.

"No, no, no, no," I said shaking my head. "Taking you two in there would be asking for trouble. You both are half lit now."

I let out an oomph when Stephanie climbed over to jump into my lap. She put her hands on my shoulders, pushed the bill of my hat up and looked at me.

"Please, please, please B,"she said pouting and batting her eyelashes at me. I swear when that woman turned those blue eyes on me I couldn't help but want to give in.

"Yes, what she said bro. Please!!! We can't drive," Kolby said looking at me with folded hands and batting his own eyes. I rolled mine at both of them.

"It's just tits and ass B! I see way more when we watch Vikings or Game of Thrones," Stephanie said pouting at me.

"Finnnnneeeee," I huffed out. Stephanie let out a squeal and kissed me on the cheek before jumping off my lap and running towards her room. Kolby got off the couch and did a happy dance. I rolled my eyes and pushed up off the couch. I picked up the empty boxes while Kolby grabbed the bottles and weaved his way to the kitchen.

"Sweetheart, just grab what you need and just get ready at the house," I yelled down the hall before moving into the kitchen. I heard footsteps coming down the hall as I walked back to the living room. Stephanie had a bag tossed over her shoulder.

"Already one step ahead of you rockstar," she said with a grin. Kolby had switched everything off and was standing at the door waiting on us. Steph motioned for Sylo to follow and headed to the door. I slipped on my boots and grabbed my keys before following them out after I locked her door.

Kolby pulled a bag out of his truck before opening the back door of mine. I opened up the back door for Sylo to load up then the other one for Steph. She gave me a grin as she hopped in. Oh boy these two were gonna be so much trouble tonight I thought as I walked around the front of my truck to climb in.

An hour later I was sitting in my recliner waiting on Stephanie to finish getting dressed. Kolby had already accused me of dressing like a bad ass tonight to keep the guys away from Stephanie. I had just looked down at my dark jeans, gray thermal shirt, motorcycle boots, chains, leather jacket, and shrugged my shoulders. Like he'd  deal with anyone hitting on her either. I'd be telling him to shut up as well. I adjusted my black hat as I heard a truck pull up to the house.

"Stephanie Lynn! Lets go!" I yelled. I heard footsteps on the stairs and I looked up and let out a whistle making her laugh. She had put curls in the her long blond hair. She had on a bright blue sweater that fell off one shoulder, black skinny jeans. Knee high heeled boots topped off the look. Shit, I was in for so much trouble tonight because she looked gorgeous. I heard the front door open then slam a second later.

"Lets go bitches!! Mama needs a night out!" Ashley said as she bounced into the living room with Eli on her heels.

I closed my eyes to say a silent prayer as Steph grabbed my jacket to tug me to the door. We loaded up in the truck and Ashley automatically leaned across the console from the backseat to reach for the radio. Steph and I both smacked her hand at the same time telling her no. I turned out of the drive laughing at something Kolby was saying and headed toward Athens. Hopefully no one went to jail tonight.

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