Flash Forward: October 2018: Part II

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Stephanie's POV

I cracked up laughing at a story Brittney was telling about Jason and their son. I took a sip of my beer and looked around the table. I so needed this tonight. I had gotten so caught up the last few months in being a wife and a mom I hadn't been able to take much time for me. God love him, Brantley just didn't get that sometimes. We were at a local steakhouse right outside of Atlanta near the club that Tyler Farr was playing at tonight. Lauren had gotten us all tickets from Hannah.

Originally, all the guys were supposed to be busy with the football game. I tapped a fry on my plate and considered the hell I was going to get when I got home. We had all agreed that yes, we should have told them, but they wouldn't have seen past the idea of us all going out together. If we had all heard one bail money discussion over the years, we had heard them all. We just needed a night of fun without the kids or their overprotective asses.

We knew they all meant well, but they got an escape nightly sometimes with the rush of performing. We had to keep things in line at home, catch planes to halfway across the country for a few minutes of their time, and deal with hordes of fan girls. I jerked out of my thoughts when a fry hit me in the middle of the forehead. I looked across the table to see Caroline smirking at me.

"Soooo Steph," she asked quirking an eyebrow and grinning at me. "Do we need to stop on the way back to Maysville and get you a donut to sit on? "
Ashley choked on her beer as everyone else cracked up laughing. I rolled my eyes and flipped her off.

"What? She's serious girlfriend," Katie chimed in. "BG looked a little hot under the collar when we pulled out."

"Shiiiiiitttttttt," Ashley said with a whistle. "I have known that man for a long time. I could see the steam coming out his ears as he connected the dots."

"Yalllllll," I moaned out. "Shuttttt uuuupppppp."

We heard a throat clear at the end of the table and the conversation came to a halt as each of us gulped and slowly turned our heads. I cracked first by growling and rolling my eyes.

"Fucking hell!!" I snapped pointing my finger at the man glaring at us with his hands on his hips and a t-shirt that read, Straight Out Of Bail Money. "That's it I know you have my ass low jacked. I turned my location off. We all did."

"Now, now Lil Mama. Calm down. Brittney didn't on her SnapChat though," PJ said snickering at me.

"Shit," we heard her mutter before we all turned our attention back to PJ.

The rest of the girls laughed and chimed out "Hi PJ!"

"Hello again ladies," he said smirking and tipping his hat before holding his hand out. Caroline glared at him as he met her stare back. She rolled her eyes and huffed before pulling out her keys and handing them over.

"Fine," she muttered then turned her drink up. "At least I can do that now."

"Alright, if you are here then I know he bribed you after last time. What did you get?" Katie asked with a smirk.

"Exactly, what did that husband of mine promise you for this since I know you were at your mom's," I said laughing. He gave me a wide grin and twirled Caroline's keys around.

"A new bike," he answered with a laugh as I reached up to high five him.

A while later we made our way in the side door of the club with PJ in the lead. Hannah flagged us down on our way to the bar and pointed out the table near the stage she'd made sure was set aside. The table was tall enough with stools that if we wanted to shove them under and dance right there we had room. Right after we sat down and started on our first round of drinks, a bottle of Patron with a row of shot glasses appeared.

"Oh boy," Katie said laughing. "Justin is gonna kill Tyler."

"That's right," Lauren choked out between giggles. "It turns you into a damn demon."

"I'll show him a demon alright," Katie said before pouring another drink. I salted up my hand then downed my shot before following it up with the lime. Caroline and Ashley followed suit. I couldn't help the memories that rolled through my mind of another night and tequila shots. Yep, probably wouldn't be any of that tonight. Mama was gonna be in the doghouse for sure. I jumped when I felt an elbow in my side. Ashley looked over at me then leaned closer.

"Get the hang dog look off your face," she said giving me a hug.
"Yea, he's pissed. He'll get over it. He always does."
I nodded my head as Brittney let out a loud whoop when Dustin came on stage. Woman couldn't deny she had a thing for guys in a cowboy hat. While I  loved the dimples and the smile, poor guy just wasn't bad boy enough for me.
I saw Caroline's eyes gleam as she creeped her hand closer to her purse. I reached over and smacked it lightly then slid her another shot.

"Woman, don't you even think about pulling that fucking ruler out," I said making Lauren snort with laughter.

"He ain't got that cocky grin down pat yet," Katie said shaking her head. "Oh, y'all don't give me that look you know exactly which one I am talking about!"
Dustin came closer to our side of the stage to sing "Mind Reader" and I almost thought Britt was gonna fall off her stool when he winked at her then gave Caroline a big wave.

"Ahhh hes just so damn cute!" Caroline said making me laugh as Dustin's set was done.

"Really?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" she asked shrugging as I laughed.
"He's a sweetheart. Yea, yea. I don't even have to ask. Not bad enough for you."

"Well hell no he isn't. You are married to the bad boy of country music sister," Katie said with a laugh. "Though I will say parenthood has made you two soft a little. I haven't seen any punches thrown in a while."

"She tossed a remote at his head last week and hid his truck keys for waking Carson up," Ashley chimed in.

"Katie Moore shut the hell up. Don't wish that on me," I said laughing. "Chasing Carson some days I don't have the energy to even get pissed. Though I will say I have heard that Jana hauls ass out of Nashville if she hears I am in town."

"I know I haven't had a good show lately, "Caroline said pouting. "One worthy of popcorn anyway."

We all let a cheer out as Chase came on stage. I will say I blushed just a little when he started singing "U Turn". Lauren looked at me and laughed. I had told her the whole story behind that one night on the phone when the guys were on tour and Carson was keeping me up.

"Mmm, Mmm girls," Caroline said pointing up with her beer bottle.
" Now that is that grin Katie was talking about!"
I got real interested in the label on my beer bottle when they all turned to look at me with grins.

"Nope, no comment and that is my final answer," I growled and tipped back another shot.

Hannah came out from backstage to hang with us a little bit but left when Chase was finished to go tell Tyler good luck. We had just gotten a fresh round of beers when we heard someone call Caroline's name. Dustin was making his way over. He stopped to give her a big hug as she introduced him to the rest of the group. I could tell he was feeling pretty good. Tyler was a bad influence on all of us it seemed.

I had already noticed Lauren was leaning a little sideways on her stool from the tequila. I wasn't too far behind her. Caroline had had enough that we had told her three times to sit down and not pull out that ruler while Chase was one stage.

PJ had finally taken her purse from her and hid it. I was laughing at some story Caroline was making Dustin turn red over that had happened last summer on tour when I felt a hand on the small of my back. I stopped for a second thinking yep, they have finally caught up with us when I felt breath whisper against my ear. Then I caught the distinctive scent of Jack Daniels. Uh oh. Soooo not my husband.

"Hey beautiful, long time, no see. What are you doing here all alone tonight?" I heard asked as I turned my head to meet the eyes of a half-drunk Chase Rice. Shit, I thought as I felt his hand slide lower towards my ass. I was about to open my mouth to get him away from me when I heard an all too familiar growl behind us.

"Want to explain why the hell you have your hands on MY WIFE," I heard snarled behind me.

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