Flashback: Way Back: Part IV

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March 2015

Brantley's POV

I heard the huff behind me as I grabbed a couple pair of sweatpants out of my dresser. I turned back around to see the pissed off brunette glaring at me from the side of the bed she was sitting on. Amber had come by the house to tell me bye before I left to go back out of the road. She was supposed to join me this weekend.

Then meet me in Vegas the week after for the ACM Awards. She hadn't gotten totally used to me being gone so much. Most of my gigs before had split up had been fairly close. I packed the pants in my bag before turning towards my closet to grab what I needed.

"I just don't see why she has to be there," I heard called at me. I poked my head out and glared before shaking it. We had been having this argument off and on for two days. She was not pleased about Stephanie being at the opening tour date on Thursday night and she couldn't be there until Friday. I yanked the shirts I wanted off the hangers and stomped back to my suitcase on the bed.

"I've fucking told you," I growled as Amber glared at me. "She's never missed the start of a tour. She saves the damn days every year for it."

"So, what's it going to hurt if she waits another night," she said crossing her arms and looking up at me. "She can fly out the same time as me."

"Because honey," I grumbled walking over to pull socks out to pack. "My whole band and half my damn crew will riot if she's not there. It's a tradition and I'm sorry, I'm not changing it. Hell, Kenny and Jason both have reminded me that Firecracker better be there."

"Well, I guess you can have your "bestie time" before I get there. Another thing, she's sleeping on the damn band bus or a hotel," Amber snarled glaring at me. "She's not sleeping in that bed with you. Not after I know what went on over the years. I just don't understand why you dont see why I am upset about this Brantley?"

"First of all, "I seethed glaring at her pointing a finger. "This is Stephanie we are talking about. She has enough respect for you to never ask that. The boys have already told her the dates she was there they would rotate out the couch and their bunks. That's when she doesn't have plans lined up with Britt or Miranda depending on where we are at. She's got other friends than me and you know it. And fucking history aside darlin, I have never given you a reason to not trust me. Come out or don't come out. At the moment, I really don't fucking care. But let me make one thing crystal fucking clear. That woman is, and always will be my best friend. If you want to be with me, you better remember that. Because whether you like it or not, she's family."

I looked over at her sitting there rigid on the end of my bed as I stuff in the last few things I needed. I saw Amber brush a few tears away from her face. Dammit, she knew I hated tears.

"I take it the boys are not huge fans of me then," she said quietly. I groaned.

"It's not that honey," I said looking over at her as I stuck my boots in my bag. "Steph has always been there. I know you had your reasons for leaving and I get that and understand why. But until you prove to them that you are here and not running away again, they are gonna be leery. They are the reason I am still alive. Stephanie is the reason I am still alive and even as mad a she was at me for being an asshole, she was still there. The boys saw that and haven't forgotten it."

"Ok," Amber snapped standing up to pace my bedroom. Oh lord, I could feel a massive headache brewing. "So, every time we have a difference of opinion, you are gonna through up the fact that I left. I was the one scared to marry you because of the path you were taking with the pills and booze. But Saint Stephanie stayed."

"No," I growled stepping over and leaning down to look into her eyes." I am just telling you why they are like they are. Trying to make you understand. I will say this Amber, you throw up Stephanie and me one more time when I don't cave and give you what you want, mark my words. It won't be good. You two were friends once. I won't let you alienate her just because we slept together. I didnt have to tell you about that. Hell, I probably shouldn't have. But I wanted to be completely honest with you. I wanted to do the right thing by you because I put you through hell last time. I'm not the same guy I was."

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