Chapter Nineteen: Part I

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Brantley's POV

I was kicked back in my recliner flipping channels on the TV. Steph was about a week away from her due date. The entire band and Kolby had a pool going on what day Carson would actually get here. They had all been in and out or calling to check on her. Ben had bought her a massive cowbell to ring for me if she needed anything.

He claimed I was getting hard at hearing in my old age. Kolby had been here helping me finish the nursery the last few days. Mama and Ashley had made sure we had the last few things we needed. I thought it turned out pretty bad ass myself with the camo and Harley theme. I glanced over at the couch where my wife was curled up with her book and chuckled to myself.

She was surrounded by her guard dogs. Sylo was curled up at her feet with his head stretched toward her knees and Kolby was sitting on the floor propped against the couch playing on his phone. She had already threatened to shoot him if he did one more Snapchat update that he was calling Nephew Watch 2018. I heard Sylo whine lowly as he turned his head to bark at me. I gave him a strange look then I took a closer look at Steph.

"Sweetheart, you ok over there?" I asked causing Kolby to turn his head and look at her as well. I saw her bite her lip and shake her head no. She shifted and winced trying to sit all the way up. Kolby stood up and grabbed her hands helping her as she let out a gasp.

"I think this may be it. I just didn't want to say anything because we have already had two false alarms but shit this hurts!" she snapped squeezing Kolbys hand making him yelp.
Sylo eased over to her and nosed her hand. She patted his head as she looked up at me. "We need to go."

I snapped back to reality and jumped out my recliner to run up the stairs after my shoes and the bags. I slipped on my socked feet as I got to the landing at the top of the stairs but caught myself before I nose-dived onto the hardwood floor. Last thing Stephanie needed right now was to have me in the hospital along with her.

I ran into our room and grabbed my shoes to tug them on before grabbing the bag she had set aside for us and the one for Carson as well. The car seat was already stored in the back of her Explorer. I ran back downstairs grabbing my jacket off the back of my chair and sprinted to the garage. Kolby was helping a growling Steph into the backseat. I put the bags in the back and moved to open the driver's door when I heard my name called.

"B, please let Kolby drive. I need you back here with me," Stephanie gritted out. I looked at my little brother who had already hopped out of the passenger seat and ran around to jump in the driver's seat. I slid onto the seat by Stephanie and wrapped my arms around her.

"How far apart are they sweetheart?"I asked softly in her ear.

"I'm not sure. They are spaced out but hurt more than the last few times. Doctor has already said next time he wasn't stopping them," she murmured laying her head against my chest. "I'm scared B."

She was talking so low I almost didn't hear her. I tightened my grip on her and rubbed circles on her lower back to help her discomfort the best I could. I pressed a soft kiss to her temple.

"Stephanie Lynn Gilbert, you are one of the toughest women I know. You've put up with me for twenty-two years and not killed me. You keep Kolby and my entire band and half the crew in line with a look and a point of your finger. And when this is over with it will all be worth it because you will be holding our little man in your arms," I whispered in her ear.

I heard her sniffle just a little.
"And heaven help us if he turns out anything like me, well baby you are gonna have your hands full keeping us both in line. But I know you can do it and I love you so much."

"Love you too B", she said leaning up to kiss me on the lips. I tried to deepen it but cut it off when I felt the grip on my arm tighten.

"Might want to step on it a little bro," I said through clenched teeth as she sucked in a deep breath and squeezed my arm a little harder digging her nails in.

An hour later I was pacing the hall outside the delivery room. Kolby was leaned against the wall texting on his phone to keep everyone updated. Mama had been in Indiana visiting her sister and was heading to the airport now. Stephanie had kicked me out of the room when I had growled at the anesthesiologist about the size of the needle he was getting ready to use for her epidural.

My girl was a trooper but she was sworn she wasnt doing this without drugs. Susan and Mike were on their way up here. Caroline had texted me back that she would let everyone else know and to tell Steph they love her. I would kill for a cigarette at the moment to calm my nerves but I had cut way back on them with Steph being pregnant and I didn't want the smell on me when I got to hold Carson for the first time.

"Would you take a deep breath please before you pass out? You are looking a little pale fucker," Kolby said from his post against the wall never looking up from his phone. I flipped him off and kept pacing. The door opened and the nurse gave me a smile and motioned that we could come back in. I hurried over to Steph's side and picked up her hand without the IV and placed a kiss on it. I brushed a few strands of blonde hair that had come loose from her ponytail out of her face. She opened her sleepy eyes and looked up at me smiling.

"How are you feeling now sweetheart?" I asked softly.

"Better. Sleepy," she said drowsily. "Will you sing to me B?" I noticed Kolby back out of the room. More than likely going in search of coffee and food knowing him. I pulled the chair by the bed closer and sat down in it. I wrapped my fingers around hers and placed my free hand on her stomach rubbing gently. I cleared my throat and leaned closer as she sat her other hand on top of mine. Carson felt the weight and kicked against our hands.

She says

"Look baby I'm a rock star"

Grabs my old guitar

Playin' it upside down

Dancin' around

In front of our TV

I can't see the ballgame

So I just wave my lighter and say

Yeah, rock on baby

I'd rather watch you anyway

But when you're done

Can I come backstage

And get you to sign your name

On that Zeppelin shirt of mine you're wearin'

I'll never wash that thing again

Yeah but she's my kinda crazy

The little games she plays

Lord they'll never get old

She's too cute to get on my last nerve

The way she throws her little fits

Pokin' out her lip and bitin' mine when we kiss

There ain't a fight that she can't win

That's my baby

And she's my kinda crazy

I glanced up to see Steph's eyes closed a smiled at my beautiful wife. I leaned closer to her to talk to Carson.

"That's right buddy your Mama is crazy, but she's our kinda crazy," I said softly. I felt a light smack on my head and grinned.

"I heard that asshole," she muttered sleepily never opening her eyes.

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