Flashback: Videos: Part III

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Stone Cold Sober

Stephanie's POV

I was sitting cross legged at my coffee table in my living room grading papers when I heard my front door open then slam. Kolby was sprawled out on my couch flipping channels. He had called me earlier bored. I had told him I was going to be grading papers but he was welcome as long as he supplied the Chinese food later.

I heard the clicking of nails on my hardwood floors and automatically lifted my left arm and kept my eyes on the paper I was grading. Sylo ran under my arm to lick my cheek and lay his head on my shoulder.

"Hey baby boy," I said turning my head to place a quick kiss on the top of his. I felt a soft kiss placed on the top of my head before Brantley flopped down on the loveseat behind me. I kept up with my task as the boys argued over what TV show to watch around me. I ducked as a throw pillow came whizzing by my head and looked up to growl at Kolby.

"Knock it off Giant," I said glaring at him. "I'm trying to get these done."

A few minutes later I felt a chin on my shoulder and then a chuckle against my neck.

"Ouch," Brantley said with a laugh. "A sixty-six. Grading harsh today are we Miss Davis."

"Can it rockstar, "I grumbled. "I'm trying to get these done. One more to go."
I got finished a few minutes later and tossed my red pen and reading glasses down onto the stack of papers. I leaned back against the loveseat with a sigh. Brantley reached over to tug the ends of my ponytail making me look over at him. I saw his lips poked out in a pout and he was giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"What B?' I said cutting my eyes at him.

"I have a favor to ask sweetheart," he said giving me a grin. This never ended well. "I already talked to your parents about it earlier."

"They left this afternoon going to my aunt's in Valdosta for a week B," I said as his grin widened.

"That's what makes this idea Shane and I have come up with perfect," he said sitting up slightly looking at me.

"What idea B?" I asked curiously.

"Well, we plan to do the video for Stone Cold Sober this week and we used to have some pretty epic parties at your parents back in our day," he said. "So, I called to ask them if we could use it. I'll take care of paying for the cleanup. They are down for it as long as you are around to supervise."

"No," I grumbled glaring at him. "I've got a lot going on this week B with the Thanksgiving holidays coming up."

"Sylo, come on boy," Kolby said tossing down the remote and jumping up patting his leg. "Let's go get supper. I have a feeling Daddy is about to have to beg and you don't want to witness that buddy."

"Get extra egg rolls," Brantley and I both yelled before the front door slammed shut. He leaned down to tug me up on the loveseat with him

"Please sweetheart," he pouted as he wrapped an arm around me. "What's it going to take?"

I turned my head and tapped my chin in thought. "Hmmm..... well I need to get my windows done so cough up the truck keys for starters."

He glared at me for a second then nodded his head. I gave him an evil grin in return.

"Ok," I said as he looked at me.

"You agreed to that way to easily sweetheart," he said poking my arm. "What do you have up your sleeve as payback?"

"You'll see B," I said with a wide grin. "You will see."

"Oh boy," Brantley said swallowing deeply.

Brantley's POV

We had filmed the party scene for the video late yesterday evening and last night. I had looked around for Steph after we wrapped and couldn't find her. Shane had tapped my arm and pointed at his chair. Stephanie was curled up sound asleep in the chair with my leather jacket draped over her. I had shaken my head and given Shane the keys to lock everything up.

I walked over to pick her up and taken her out to my truck. She had dropped her Explorer off yesterday afternoon to get the windows tinted in it. Something she had been trying to make the time to do since she bought it last month. I was gonna be in trouble when she found out I had already paid for the tint job. We were filming the day after scenes and I was leaned over Shane's shoulder looking at the monitor as the flaming teddy bear floated by the diving board John was sprawled out on. We were cracking up laughing but I was stopped in my tracks by a voice behind me.

"Brantley Keith! Is that the teddy bear Zach Johnson gave me in tenth grade?" Stephanie yelled from behind me. Shane bit his lip to keep from cracking up. Jesse was dying out laughing because he already knew my ass was going to be in for it when I came running back downstairs with it earlier.

"That was years ago darlin," I said holding up my hands as I turned around. "I never liked the little dick anyhow. Could have picked better for your first boyfriend."

"Oh shit," BJ muttered and darted out of harms way. "Here we go. Shane, you filming the latest Steph and B saga."

"Hell, yea I am," Shane said with a wide grin at me. "They are always good for a show."

"Fifty bucks says he barely escapes with his balls in tack this time," Ben muttered and started laughing as I flipped him off.

"You done with him Shane?" she asked putting her hands on her jean clad hips glaring at me. "Awesome job by the way with the setup. I had half of the students asked me today if I had thrown a kegger last night. Sheriff even came by to double check. Said the place looked like it used to back in the day when we would throw a party."

"Thank you, Stephanie," Shane said with a grin and a wink. "Yep, all done with him. Hes yours to maim, murder, whatever you feel the need to do."

"Lets go B," she said giving me a grin and twirling my truck keys around on her finger. "Shane don't forget to put Dads stupid ass monkey statue back where it was. Heaven help us if that ugly thing is missing. He calls it Captain Monkey for some reason."

"Where to Steph?" I asked knowing I wasnt going to like the answer. I saw the evil smile on her face widen.

"Why shoe shopping of course," she said with a wink.

"Fuck......"I growled out as the guys started laughing. PJ clapped me on the shoulder shaking his head.

"Boss, you should have known it was coming," he said with a laugh. "Lil Bit don't play when it comes to her shoes and she did you a favor."

I walked over flipping all of them off over my shoulder. I draped an arm over Stephanie's shoulder as we walked down the drive to my truck.

"Can I one up the deal sweetheart?" I whispered in her ear. She angled her head to look at me.

"What did you have in mind?" she asked.

"Think I can get you to model those shoes you wind up with later," I said grinning down at her. "Wearing just those?"

"That may can be arranged," she said giving me a saucy wink as she climbed in the drivers seat of my truck.


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