From Athens to Arlington: Part I

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Stephanie's POV

I climbed out of the taxi and paid the driver as he handed me my bag. I walked closer to the venue and sighed when I remember that I didn't have my pass Brantley was supposed to leave me when he left the other day. I hadn't been able to leave with the rest of them because of wrapping up my school year. Oh well, they knew me.

I'd be able to get in and get my lanyard from B. I walked closer to the door and was stopped by security. The new security guy for the crew gave me a look when he asked for my pass. He was a beefed up version of a California surfer boy standing about 6'4. Lord, the fan girls were going to eat him up. I rolled my eyes and glared up at him.

"I don't have it with me," I said pushing my hair over my shoulder and adjusting my purse. I dropped my duffle bag at my feet and glared at him. "Pretty sure it's in the back pocket of the idiot sitting on stage playing the guitar right now."

"Mam," he said sternly leaning down into my face. "If you do not have a pass, I can't let you back here."

I pushed up on my tip toes while pulling my sunglasses down my nose. "Listen here pretty boy, I get that you are new. That's great. Welcome to the crew. But I've known BG since before he even thought about picking up a guitar. I've literally known him since he was ten."

Malibu Ken on steroids crossed his arms and gave me a smirk. Oh shit, I know he is not thinking he is gonna try and look like Brantley and intimidate me. I can make that man almost cry.
" Lady, we hear that all the time. Be a good little girl and run along now. If you hurry you may can still get a ticket to see BG tonight."

"Excuse me," I growled putting my hands on my hips. "Do I look like I am a fucking fan girl? Fuck no. I can get a damn personal concert anytime I want. I'm his fucking best friend!"

"Sure you are sweetheart," he said with a smirk at me then made a shooing motion with his hand. "She was supposed to be here hours ago. Now run along. Might want to go put a pair of daisy dukes on if you want to sneak back stage later. Heard those are his favorite."

I pushed my glasses up to hold my hair off my face and fixed him with a stare that scared even our biggest offensive lineman at school. I tossed my purse down on my bag and raised up to snag his left ear tugging him down. This man was not from the South, he never saw the move coming. He let out a yelp and tried to back away from me.

"Listen up Goldilocks," I snapped twisting a little harder making him try and tug aloose.

"My dumb ass little brother was late dropping me off in Athens to catch the plane. Then I had to wait an extra thirty minutes for airport security to check my bag. Seems I forgot that my shiny pink brass knuckles where in there. Luckily, since I was flying private, they overlooked it with a warning after I fluttered these baby glues at the air marshal."

"So, I've had a shitty day so far. All I want to do is go in there and have a seat. Watch BG do his thing and see my boys. Then I want a MOTHER FUCKING NAP! "I tightened my grip and twisted a little with each word. Ol boy had dropped down to his knees with a cry. Pansy ass.

I turned his ear loose and glared at him as he stood up. He put a menacing look on his face. I snarled back at him. The next move he made was the wrong one. He wrapped a big hand around my arm and spun me around.

"Get your hands off me right now," I growled trying to tug my arm loose. Who did this son of bitch think he was? The Hulk?

"Mam," he said huffing at me. "For the last time, leave."

I whirled back around trying to get my arm free and the door opened as someone walked out on their phone and I could see PJ walking by as the door was left open.

"PJ!!!" I yelled making him stop in his tracks and back up. I glared over at Hans and pointed growling. "Make pretty boy let me go."

"Sir,she was trying to get....." he got out before I stomped on his foot making him drop my arm to hop around. I straightened my navy blue sundress as PJ let out a big sigh.

"Mark," he said shaking his head as I picked my bag up and stalked over to him. He gave me a quick hug and settled a big arm around my shoulders. I stuck my tongue out at pretty boy. "This is Stephanie."

"Oh shit," he said turning pale. "She tried to say she was the best friend. Never said a name. She didn't have a pass."

"He forgot to leave it with you," PJ said with a groan. "He remembered about ten minutes ago when he realized you hadn't made it here yet. It's in his pocket."

I snickered as Mark winced when he put weight on his foot. Fucker better be glad I only had sandals on.
Come on Little Bit. Son, be glad she just got your foot and didnt kick you in the balls. You would still be laying on the ground. Ask Boss later where she learned to throw a right hook."

"Dumbass," I muttered as we walked through the door. PJ flagged a roadie down and asked him to stick my bag and purse on Brantley's bus for me. I pulled my phone out and passed it over to him with a smile. B was answering questions from the crowd. I felt my eyes widen as a girl ask for his pick.

I heard PJ start cracking up at the look on his face because Brantley thought she had said dick. I could see the back of his neck turn slightly red and I cracked up laughing. Damn man. Mind was in the gutter. Which was something I had already known based off the text messages I had been getting the last few days.

I rolled my eyes at the next words out of his mouth that his mind had been in the gutter. I could also see how tired he was. I swear sometimes the only speed that man knew was wide open. I was grouchy enough myself after my day so far that I had to tamp down the growl when the girl stage left said to not be telling all their secrets and got a reply of darlin, we don't have any secrets. Yet, wink included.

But not a hell of a lot I could say anyway. He's single. Man could do what he wanted with who he wanted. I dropped my face in my hands and groaned as PJ died out laughing when Brantley said, "You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man". Why the hell I claimed that idiot as my best friend I wasn't sure.

I smothered a yawn as he wrapped things up and gave everyone a wave and eased off the stage. He stopped when he got down the steps and stretched his arms over his head as he yawned wide. He took a step forward as he smoothed a hand down his face and looked up. I couldn't help that my heart skipped a beat at the wide grin that spread across his full lips.

He crossed over to me in a couple quick steps and wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his shoulder when he let out a deep sigh and tightened his grip. He pulled back slightly to press a kiss to my forehead.

"I was wondering where you were sweetheart," he murmured looking down at me. He pulled back pulling my pass out of his back pocket and looped it around my neck. He gently tugged my blonde hair out that had caught out of it. I lifted my head to meet his eyes.

"Been a hell of a day so far," I said with a wry grin. "I'll tell you all about it when you get done signing stuff B. Then I need a damn nap."

"You and me both sweetheart," he said with a quiet laugh as he dropped another kiss on my check and then nodded his head to Mike that he was ready. I went in search of the guys as he went to do his thing. As I was approaching Ben and Jesse, Pretty Boy just happened to be standing nearby. I shot him a glare and pointed at the pass I now had hanging around my neck and then grinned evilly as he paled. Take that you fucker I thought with a chuckle.

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