Friends.... Damn Good Friends

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Thank you baseballfan8 you helped write half of this just with us going back in forth in our comments. It was too good to not pass up!!!!

Group POV

"I mean it Brantley Keith put me down right now!" Stephanie yelled as Brantley stomped his way to the side door of the bar.

"Shit!" Ashley yelled grabbing her purse. "PJ would you please go stop them."

"Have you lost your ever lovin mind?" PJ said glaring at her as they all followed the couple out into the parking lot.
"If Mama Becky could hear the words exchanged between the two of them she would have them in timeout, after washing their mouths out. I'm not getting in the middle of that!"

"Caroline Boyer Bryan don't you dare," Luke growled out as they stepped out into the cooler night air and stopped. No one wanted to get into the middle of Steph and BG at the moment. Jason wrapped an arm around Brittney's waist and cracked a smile at Caroline who was tiptoeing closer to the couple.
BG was trying to pull out of his truck keys and get her in the truck but he had a fight on his hands. Caroline stopped in her tracks when she heard a loud "FUCK" go through the night air.

"Owwww, did you see that shot to the ribs BG just took?" Brittney said wincing.

"Yep, pretty sure his knees almost buckled but he stuck it out," Jason said shaking his head.

"Man is tougher than I give him credit for that punch did some damage," Justin said as he stood behind Katie with his arms around her waist. She turned her head and grinned at him and patted his cheek. Thomas was holding onto Lauren laughing.

"Yea, we all know you couldn't take a shot like that honey," Katie said with a smirk. "That man is one hot Alpha Caveman."

"Amen!!" the rest of the ladies chorused out earning hard stares from their husbands except Ashley who was covering her ears.

"Shut up! I look at that man like a brother! Bad enough I have to hear it out of her. Now y'all too," she muttered.

"I just don't get how he makes that glare work," Luke muttered. "PJ, what's his secret?"

"Well LB, for starters you can't smile. I know you have a good one dude, but work on the scowl. It helps," PJ replied with a laugh.

He took half a step forward when Brantley yanked Stephanie forward off his shoulder and pushed her into the side of his truck a little harder than he would have liked. He back tracked though when she put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes at him yelling even louder. Nope, she was fine.

"Exactly man, "Justin said grinning over at Luke. "Its all in how you narrow the eyes man. Observe, BG's are almost slits right now."

"Dumbass," Katie muttered rolling her eyes. "Last time you tried what you term as the "BG stare" on me I tossed a iron skillet at your head. The girls were you saving grace from a concussion by yelling Daddy duck!"

Her jaw dropped and she pointed as Brantley went to reach for his angry wife again but couldn't stop her from giving him a kick square in the balls. The guys winced and cupped their own balls. "Pretty sure if he keeps this up, Carson is going to be an only child."

"Think he was smart enough to put a cup on tonight before confronting her,"Thomas asked with a snicker as Brantley grabbed her arms and held them up over her head with one hand as he dug in his pockets for his keys.

He finally got them out as he dodged kicks from his wife and opened the door. He picked her up and tossed her in the truck before hopping in himself.

"God be with you brother,"Jason said grinning as the black Ford tore out of the parking lot with squealing tires. " Because Firecracker is pissed!!"

"Shit!" Ashley said snapping her fingers. "How am I going to get back home now?"

"I got ya darlin," PJ said tossing an arm around her shoulders. "Eli text me earlier and asked me to get you home. He knew this was going to be a shit show. I left my truck here earlier and walked over to the restaurant since Luke was going to drive Caroline's SUV back."

"Damn right. May want to let the sheriff know there may be a killing on the way home," Ashely said with laugh as she waved to everyone and followed PJ to his truck.

"Luke....."Caroline hissed tugging at his arm. "Let's go before they get to far ahead. No way in hell I am missing this show! He's gonna go caveman on her ass for sure."
Luke narrowed his eyes as he turned on a booted heel to glare at his wife.

"That's it! That's it right there man," Justin chimed in clapping until Katie slapped him upside the head.

"Luke dropped his shoulder and tossed Caroline over it with a growl that would have made BG proud. He popped her on the ass and turned to stride towards her SUV.

"Woman," he muttered. "I warned you. Now we will see who puts up or shuts the hell up. I've heard enough of this caveman shit. "
Caroline grinned at the girls from over his back and let out a Rebel Yell.

"Wohooo! Mama is getting manhandled tonight. Spanking and everything!" she yelled as they disappeared around the corner of the bar.

Justin stood there with his mouth open in shock before cutting his eyes and Jason and Thomas.

"Tell me why we are friends with BG again," he asked scratching the side of his head as Katie turned to wrap her arms around his waist. "He and Stephanie are such a bad influence on these girls."

Katie looked over at Brittney and Lauren as a wide grin spread across her lips before reaching up to pinch Justin's cheek.

"That's because that man knows how to take care of a woman," she said looking at him. Justin scowled at her before he popped her on the ass.

"You just wait missy," he huffed. "You just wait."

"Promises, promises baby," she said with a laugh.

"Do you all feel that way?" Jason asked curiously.

"Oh, yea he does!" Britt said with a grin elbowing him in the side. "We all love the results after we get one of their shows. And you know all of you boys love the result of that too. Guaranteed to get laid if he has to flex his muscles at her and she bucks back."

"Pretty sure I got pregnant after that argument at the at the football party BG had right after Thanksgiving," Lauren said with a broad grin.

"Ohhhh yea," Thomas drawled looking down at her. "I don't think we made it all the way out of the driveway."

"I can chalk mine with little man up to the blowout from his surprise birthday party," Brittney said popping Jason on the ass making him smile. "BG doesn't need to know that the table in the garage got put to good use."

"Thousand bucks says within two months Steph is telling us she's pregnant again while he puffs that chest out like a proud peacock," Thomas said grinning at Jason and Justin. They both shook their heads as they made their way over to Brittney's Expedition the boys had taken to the game.

"Hell, no I am not taking that bet!" Justin said as he opened the door for Katie to climb in as Jason slipped into the drivers seat.

"Agreed," Jason said with a laugh as he started the vehicle. "That's a damn sucker bet if I have ever heard one. As soon as he finishes icing those sore balls. He's going to be on her like white on rice."

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