Don't Make Me Beat You!

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Stephanie's POV

I was standing at the foot of the stairs with my arms crossed tapping my foot my blonde ponytail swinging as I fumed. I heard footsteps a second later before a pair of boots appeared then skidded to a stop when they saw me. I glared up at my oldest son. Carson gulped as he saw me standing there.

He slid his phone back into his pocket and hung his head. I took in the backwards Falcons hat, grey t-shirt, and a pair of jeans with holes for days. Minus the ear rings and tattoos, he was his daddy's twin other than my blue eyes.

"Mama," he drawled sounding so much like his damn daddy I had to keep myself from going back into the past. I swear that smirk was just like Brantley's at fifteen. "Did I tell you how beautiful you looked today?"

"Son," I growled pointing at him. "That is not going to get you out of trouble with me. I already know you snuck out last night."

"But Mama," he whined poking his lip out. I looked up at the ceiling praying for patience. Thank God, Brantley was due home on a tour break any moment. "How did you know?"

"You didn't bribe your little brother well enough," I grumbled reaching up to grab his ear and tug him behind me to the kitchen. "I hope it was worth it. Because you are grounded."

"But Mama! "Carson fussed stooping over to follow me. All three of them knew didn't matter they were all taller than me, I could bring them down to size. If asked I had three kids, 13, 15, and 48.  I marched into the kitchen dragging Carson behind me as I pointed at the kitchen table. I turned loose as he flopped down in the chair crossing his arms as I went to fix his plate for lunch. Hunter was grinning over at him. I smacked the back of his head knocking his camo Backwoods Life hat off.

"Take the damn hat off at my table Hunter Ryan," I reminded him. "And quit smirking at your brother. I swear I am running away to Aunt Ashleys and leaving your Daddy to corral you two."

At thirteen and fifteen they were my pride and joy, but they kept me busy. If it wasn't some practice for a sport it was a club activity. However, they were out for the summer and no camps until the end. I walked over to put Carson's plate in front of him and tugged his hat off hanging it on the back of his chair.

I paused on my way back to the stove when I heard the door to the kitchen open. I looked back to see Brantley walking in sitting his duffle bag, backpack and guitar case down. He paused as he stood up straight at the look on my face and shook his head.

"Well shit you two," he said rolling his eyes as I walked over to him. "What did y'all do to piss your Mama off now?" He wrapped an arm around me leaning down to kiss me deeply as I got to his side. Both boys started making gagging noises behind our backs

"Babe," I said pulling back breaking the kiss points at our sons. "You need to have a talk with these two knotheads!"

"What did we do?" they chorused ducking their heads when I whirled around to glare at them. I snarled at both of them making Hunter yelp. I walked closer to the table pointing at them both as Brantley followed me with his arms crossed over his chest. I was so aggravated with my children I couldn't even appreciate my husband being home.

"Well for starters," I grumbled. "Carson snuck out, again, last night."

Brantley winked at Carson who smirked back at him.
"Was she worth it buddy?" he chuckled then let out a gasp when I smacked his chest.

"Brantley Keith," I growled clenching my fists. He cleared his throat and cut a look over at Carson who hung his head.

"What I meant is," he said getting all authoritive now. "You shouldn't have done it. Last thing I need while I am gonna is you making your Mama worry."

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