Chapter Eight

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Stephanie's POV

It was ten o-clock at night and I was standing in Wal-Mart with a basket hanging from my arm as I stood there and debated my ice cream choices. Why I did this I dont know, I always got the same thing every time, but I thought the baby maybe craving something different. I sighed and shook away the tears yet again.

Other than a few angry voicemails and text messages, Brantley and I haven't spoken in a month. We had been using Kolby as our go between. It usually consisted of him asking if I was doing okay and if I had come to my senses yet to which I replied for him to go to hell. For a man who claims to know me so damn well, he sure made a mess of things.

Ben had taken a picture of his jaw, which had been showing a deep purple bruise, and text me to ask what the hell happened. I just brushed him off with I don't know. I had snuck out of the house after Kolby had passed out catching up on Game of Thrones. He had been glued to my side as much as possible lately. I still hadn't told my parents I was pregnant or Mama Becky. They all knew B and I were fighting about something though.

"Why are you even debating your ice cream choices, you know you are going to just pick chocolate chip cookie dough like always. Dang cookie addict just like  Brantley" I heard beside me causing me to jump. I laughed a little as I turned my head. The person laughed along with me before peering in my basket.

"Hmm Chips Ahoy, peanut butter, gummy worms. Sweet tooth much Steph, and a book. What to ExpectOh. Steph are you pregnant?"

I hung my head slightly and bit my lip before nodding yes.

"Oh damn, did the poor guy make it through the trial of meeting BG and Kolby?" Amber asked laughing. I turned slightly pale.

"Oh hell, did they kill the poor bastard?" she said with a laugh tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear." Hmm, one of B's old baseball shirts and his sweatpants. You've been sick so far haven't you," she said squeezing my arm. Damn she knew me to well. Amber and I always had gotten along throughout the years. I smiled weakly as I nodded my head.

"Yea but in the evenings, I have a damn sweet tooth," I said blinking back tears. "What are you doing home?"

"I had come to see Mom before going on vacation with some friends," she said. "So, tell me about this guy?"

"Umm... well, you see," I tripped over saying. Then it was like the light when off for her. Shock at first then the biggest grin spread across her face before she laughed.

"Well, I'll be it's about time he pulled his head out his ass."

"Oh, its still firmly lodged up there. Way up there at the moment," I growled out before I realized what I said. I gasped and covered my mouth as Amber reached over and hugged me.

"It's ok Steph. I've known, she said. "He told me y'all had hooked up on occasion when we got back together this time. Which you know how that ended, but I noticed something right there at the end that I had missed over the years. That man is full fledge, head over heels in love with you girl. He's just so damn stubborn. How'd he take the news?"

"Passed out face first," I said as we both cracked up laughing. "Then pretty much stormed into my house and demanded we go get married since he knocked me up."

"Oh hell, what did you do Steph," she said rolling her eyes and laughing.

"Socked him in the jaw and told him to get the hell out," I said grinning evilly. Amber reached over and high fived me before giving me another hug.

"Well keep me posted on what the baby is so I can send a gift. And Steph, don't give up on him. We all know he can be a little caveman at times, but he means well."

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