Thirteen things about me

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First and foremost, sorry to all the people who think this is an update. It is not. So sorry.

I was tagged to write this by LavenderCat398

And as a part of this trivia, I have to tag 13 more poeple after I am done. (The thirteen people that I have tagged will be listed below!!!)

Thirteen things about me. (Ya'll should know that I had to think A LOT befire typing this up because I am not really an interesting person and... whatever)

1) I am a female (I was so dang confused  whether to write girl or woman or lady so i just stuck with female!)

2) I will turn 18 on the 5th if November of this year.

3) I am an ambivert (neither intro not extro. It just depends on my mood how I behave... does that make sense?)

4) I am a bookaholic (If there is any group out there for bookaholics like me, like you know an AA group or something, my Mom would like to sign me up. ASAP.)

5) I have an elder brother and an elder sister, and they are (fraternal) twins. They gang up on me all the effing time.

6) I hate Red Meat. And fish. And any other sea food. In fact, in non veg, I only eat chicken and eggs (boiled, please!)

7) My favorite genre in books is Werewolf/Paranonal. (If you are reading this book, you already know that I have a HUGE thing for shifters❤

8) I procastinate a lot! Like helluva lot. Like I have even completed writing tomorrow's update... (Yeah, please don't kill me. I'll be updating a lottle later than usual..)

9) I am the tallest girl in my family and I am not even 5'7!! (My height is like 5'6 and three quarters)

10) I have nevee had a real crush. And I am not even lying... I just never got attracted to any guys I knew... Celeb crushes? Sure. But not on anyone I know personally.

11) The most embarrassing thing that I have done is- I once locked my family out of our house when the gas cylinder was on.

12) My favorite fruit is Apple. (Lame? Not for me!)

13) If you are reading this, then I love you. Because I love all my readers and everyone who supports my writing 💞


Okay.. Now I am gonna tag 13 people...














Ya'll better write 13 things about yourself. Actually, all of you, all the readers of this book write 13 things about yourself. And tag 13 more people.

Let's get to know each other and make friends!!!

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