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The bell for lunch rang after a class period spent away from each boy's friend group and they all went to the cafeteria as soon as possible. They all grabbed food before sitting at their tables. The Kinkas and their friends sat at a table near the windows while the Newbies and their new friends sat at a table across the room near the wall.

"So how were your fourth periods everyone?" Kris asked.

"Okay I guess... the new student Baekhyun was in my beginning dance class." Chanyeol spoke.

"You had a class with one of the new students too? I had my drawing class with Tao." Kris said.

"I had my bubble tea mixology class with Luhan." Sehun said looking up from his bubble tea that he bought.

"Suho was in my first aid training class..." Yixing pitched into the conversation.

"Kyungsoo was in my advanced vocals..." Kai said.

"Xiumin was in my Chinese class..." Chen voiced out.

"I had parenting with Jeonghan." Seungcheol said.

"I had rapping with Wonwoo." Mingyu spoke.

"I had Korean with Minghao." Jun stated.

"I had English with Seungkwan." Vernon said.

"I had guitar with Joshua." Seokmin stated.

"I had free period with Jihoon." Soonyoung spoke.

"I had intermediate dance with Jin." Namjoon said.

"I had art with Jimin." Taehyung said.

"I had voice with Yoongi." Hoseok piped up.

"Wait we all had fourth period with one of the boys over there?" Mingyu asked looking at the table of 16 boys.

"Well there's still Jungkook who hasn't said anything yet... but if he had a class with Chan, then yes." Seungcheol said.

All 15 boys turned to look at Jungkook who had went back to eating after Hoseok finished.

"Yeah I had entertainment 101 with Chan..." Jungkook said.

"Wow. We all had fourth period with one of those boys..." Yixing spoke.

"Actually, when Chan and I were talking. He said that he and the other 15 boys all had the same schedule except for fourth period." Jungkook stated.

"Hmm...who knows? Maybe Jungkook was right from before and we have the rest of our classes with those 16 boys..." Chanyeol said.

The 16 boys just looked at the 16 boys at the other table before looking back at each other and continuing with eating their lunch.

While the Kinkas and their friends were having their discovery, the Newbies and their friends were doing the same.

"How was your fourth periods? Was it okay even though we weren't there?" Jin asked to everyone but directing the second question at the 6 new boys.

"It was fine. I have the Kinka Chanyeol in my beginning dance class though." Baekhyun shrugged.

"I had first aid training with the Kinka Yixing." Junmyeon nodded.

"I had bubble tea mixology with the Kinka Sehun." Luhan said.

"I had advanced vocals with the Kinka Jongin." Kyungsoo added.

"I had drawing with the Kinka Kris." Tao spoke.

"I had Chinese with the Kinka Chen." Xiumin said.

"I had voice with Hoseok." Yoongi shrugged.

"I had art with Taehyung." Jimin added.

"I had parenting with Seungcheol." Jeonghan said.

"I had free period with Soonyoung." Jihoon spoke.

"I had English with Vernon." Seungkwan stated.

"I had guitar with Seokmin." Joshua said.

"I had rapping with Mingyu." Wonwoo said.

"I had Chinese with Jun!" Minghao exclaimed.

"I had entertainment 101 with Jungkook. What about you Jin?" Chan asked.

"I had intermediate dance with Namjoon." Jin replied.

"So... we all had a class with one of them?" Luhan said, disbelief lacing his voice.

"Apparently..." Wonwoo replied.

"Um.. I don't mean to be rude but why do you guys seem to hate the Kinkas so much? They didn't do anything." Minghao asked tilting his head.

"Kinkas are rude, disrespectful, and use people. They should be hated." Tao replied.

"But that's not the Kinkas at this school." Jimin said.

"Yeah... that might have been the Kinkas at your old school but they aren't the same everywhere. Those boys really aren't bad." Jihoon stated.

"You guys have a point but it doesn't mean that we'll trust them that easily..." Suho slowly said.

"That's fine. Just don't hate them for something they haven't done. It doesn't make sense." Seungkwan reasoned.

"Oh! By the way, I don't know if this is important but when I was talking to Jungkook, he said that he and his friends' schedules were all the same except for fourth period." Chan piped up.

"Hmm... Could they be in the rest of our classes too?" Yoongi asked.

The others just shrugged before glancing at the table of 16 boys. They turned back to their food as they continued to eat and get to know their newest friends.

The rest of the school day went by in a blur with Jungkook's statement being true. The 16 boys had the exact same classes for the rest of the day. When the final bell rang, Suho had invited their new friends to the apartment the 6 boys lived in. The 16 boys all hung out for hours at the apartment that was surprisingly able to fit all the boys in comfortably. They all hung out until it was 9 at night and exchanged numbers before the other 10 left.

Meanwhile, the Kinkas and their friends all went back to the Kinkas' mansion where they also goofed around for a few hours. By the time the 10 boys were about to leave the Kinkas' mansion, it was already 10 at night. 

"Remember to set your alarms guys!" Seokmin shouted before shutting the front door behind him.

"He's right. We don't want what happened today to happen again." Kris sighed.

The other 5 nodded before cleaning up and getting ready for bed. They were glad there was no homework that they needed to do.


A/N: Are you guys done with the redundancy yet? I promise it'll get better but I thank the people who put up with this terrible story and are actually reading this. I'm surprised it's doing as well as it is.

Vote and comment if you enjoyed!

~Admin Jin 

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