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Warning: There will be some darker content in this chapter (not that bad but abuse is mentioned)

Luhan waved to the other 10 boys who had given him a ride to the Kinkas' home as they split up and walked into the houses next door belonging to the kinkas' friends. Knocking on the door, he was greeted by a Sehun opening the door drinking bubble tea.



"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Yixing. We were planning to hang out."

"Oh Yixing just left for a few groceries. You can wait inside though, he shouldn't take long."

"Thanks Sehun."

"Sure. Come on in."

Luhan walked into the large house taking off his shoes and leaving them by the door. He sat on the couch next to Sehun who was watching the tv while waiting for Yixing. After waiting 10 minutes, the front door opened and Yixing walked in carrying several grocery bags. Luhan and Sehun both got up to help the boy grabbing some of the bags and walking them into the kitchen.

"Thanks guys. Sorry you had to wait Luhan, we can go to my room. Sehun you want to join?" Lay smiled.

"I would but I can't. I'm going to go to the dance studio at Hoseok's house to practice." Sehun replied.

"Oh okay. Don't overwork yourself." Yixing waved as Sehun grabbed his bag and left the house.

Yixing then turned to Luhan and gestured for him to follow as he went to his room.

"Sehun dances?" Luhan asked as the two sat down.

"Yeah. Kai and I do too but Kai is sleeping right now and I'm too tired to dance." Yixing replied.

"That's cool but why did Sehun say that he was going to a studio in Hoseok's house?"

"Oh that's because his house has a dance studio. Hoseok and Jungkook like to dance so they turned one of their extra rooms into a dance studio. It looks really cool actually."

"Oh that makes sense...hey can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to but where are all of your parents? All six of you seem live alone in this house."

"It's okay to ask. Well you see, our parents are rich company owners which is nice but because of that, they are never really home. We rarely saw our parents so we just decided to move in together."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"It's okay. What about you and your friends?"

"Well I'll tell you about mine but I think the others should have their stories told when we're all together or something."

"That's fair."

"Okay. Well my parents were average and it seemed like everything was going to be okay but when I was 13, I realized that I wasn't attracted to girls like the majority of the boys in my school were. I found out that I was gay and came out to my parents thinking that they would accept it but while my mom completely supported me, my dad didn't...."

"Luhan....I'm so sorry. You don't have to continue."

"No no it's okay. My dad didn't support me and began abusing me. It started out as just verbal abuse calling me a disgrace, unworthy, shameful, and other names but later turned into physical abuse. He'd hit me when I'd walk home with another guy like Junmyeon or when I would talk with my mom about a cute guy I saw. My mom knew I was being abused but I told her not to talk to my dad about it in case she would get hit. He'd always hit me in places that no one else could see but one day, Tao saw. He saw the bruises on my back when my shirt lifted playing basketball and approached me. I told him what was happening and he told Junmyeon. Junmyeon decided to talk to my mom and arranged it so that I would live with him."

"Luhan....you're so strong to be able to put up with that...I can't even imagine what you went through."

Yixing frowned as he hugged Luhan trying to process his terrible past. He suddenly had an important question that needed to be asked.

"Luhan... did you ever hurt yourself because of your father?"

"N-no...I was close to but I never had the guts to do it."

"That's good. It would hurt me to know that you hurt yourself because of your so called, 'father'."

"I hope you didn't have to deal with what I did when you came out to your parents..."

"Honestly, if I could take the pain instead of you, I would but my parents didn't react like that. My parents are actually big supporters of the LGBTQ+ community so when I came out as pansexual, they were happy that I figured out who I was."

"Wow. You're really lucky that you have parents that support you..."

"Hey, you have all of your friends that support you, I support you, your mom supports you, your dad is just a narrow-minded idiot who can't accept that not everyone is the same... I'm sorry if I offended you by talking about your father that way."

"No it's fine. He's actually in jail because my mom reported him for abuse."

"Oh no. Is your mom doing okay by herself?"

"Yeah. She got promoted to CEO of the company she works at and found another boyfriend that supports LGBTQ+ so she's doing fine."

"Oh okay."

The two boys turned at the sound of the door opening and Sehun popping his head in.

"Hey guys. Can I join you two?" Sehun asked.

"Go ahead." Luhan replied.

Sehun opened the door fully and walked in before shutting the door behind him and taking a seat on the floor where the other two were.

"What were you guys just talking about?" Sehun asked.

"Our pasts and our parents." Yixing replied.

Sehun nodded and Luhan decided to tell him what he had told Yixing. By the end, Sehun had wide eyes and was shocked to hear what Luhan had to go through.

"I-I'm so sorry..." Sehun stuttered.

"No no. It's okay. Really." Luhan reassured.

"Well since you told me your past, I'll tell you mine. I assume that Yixing already told you how we rarely saw our parents?" Sehun said while Luhan nodded. "Well remember that first day we met up at your house for the project?" Sehun asked with Luhan nodding again. "I said that a big house is nice when there are other people living in it because my parents were never home. The others had their parents come home sometimes but mine were never home. We had a big house that we lived in and I was always the only one there besides one ajumma to take care of me. It's not that fun to be in a big house when you're all alone. Then, when I figured out I was gay, and told my parents, it pushed them away even more if that was possible. They basically lived at the company building until I moved out. They still send me allowance and stuff but I don't think they wanted to live in the same building as a homosexual even if it was their son."

Luhan frowned thinking about how Sehun had to grow up without a true family. The more he thought about it, all of the kinkas had to grow up with no true parental figure. Yixing figured that the atmosphere was getting too gloomy looking at both Sehun and Luhan's faces so he decided to do something.

"Why don't we do something to forget about all of this? It's a little too gloomy here." Yixing offered.

"Yeah...why don't we watch a movie?" Luhan replied.

The other two nodded and led Luhan to their home theatre where they watched a random comedy to lighten the mood.


A/N: I've never written something angsty or anything like that so I felt as if a heads up would be appropriate. This is an issue where people don't accept other sexualities but know that there are always people who support you. Even if you don't realize it.

~Admin Jin

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