7 {1}

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Xiumin, Suho, and Baekhyun knocked on the door of the kinka's mansion where they were supposed to meet with Chen, Yixing, and Chanyeol. After a few seconds, the door opened to reveal Chanyeol who smiled at them before opening the door wider.

"Hey guys! Suho, Yixing's in his room which is upstairs, the black door with a white flower. Xiumin, Chen's in his room which is also upstairs, the blue door with a golden lightening bolt. Would you guys like something before you go up?" Chanyeol smiled.

"Thanks Chanyeol. And I think we're good." Xiumin said taking off his shoes.

"Okay. Baekhyun, you can follow me to my room. We're all going upstairs anyway." Chanyeol said leading the three boys up the stairs.

Suho and Xiumin went to their partner's rooms while Baekhyun followed Chanyeol to a room with a white door with a flame painted on it. Baekhyun walked in finding a clean room with a computer and speakers in the corner, a keyboard, guitar, and drum set next to each other against the wall, and posters of bands on the wall.

"Nice room. I liked the flame on your door."

"Thanks. Do you want to work on the floor or bed?"

"I think the bed would be more comfortable."

"You're right. Just let me grab my notes."

Baekhyun sat on the bed pulling out his notes while Chanyeol got his.

"Let's see... we left off on hobbies.."

"Okay. So what do you like to do Chanyeol?"

"Um I love anything with music. I can rap, play the piano, guitar, and drums. I also compose music for fun sometimes. What about you?"

"That's amazing! I love music too. I love to sing."

"Cool. What about nicknames? Do you have any?"

"Well people call me Baek and compare me to a puppy since I kind of act like one when I'm not being serious. What about you?"

"Some people call me Chan, Yoda because of my ears, and Giant because I'm one of the taller ones in my group."

Baekhyun started laughing.

"Yoda? That's really funny. Has anyone ever said giant yoda?"

Chanyeol chuckled before pouting.

"No. Besides, you can't say anything puppy."

"Hey. At least I embrace my puppyness."

"Who says I don't embrace my yodaness?"

"Do you?"

"...good point."

Baekhyun burst out in giggles making Chanyeol laugh as well.

"Okay okay. Let's get more of this done so we can actually work on the presentation."

"Fine Yoda."


Meanwhile, Suho entered Yixing's room to see an organized room with a guitar and piano at one corner and a desk with a laptop and speakers.

"Oh... Suho! I'm sorry I didn't come meet you downstairs. Chanyeol said it was probably Baekhyun and I didn't think about the fact that you live with Baekhyun."

"It's fine. Chanyeol helped me find your room anyway."

"Oh okay. Do you have a preference on where to work or..."

"I don't really care."

"Um... well my desk is a little messy with music sheets so why don't we work on the bed?"

"That sounds good."

Suho walked over to Yixing's bed and sat down before they both pulled out their notebooks that had the notes from the days before.

"So....  Um.... Oh we haven't asked what the other wants to do in the future."

"Okay. What do you want to do in the future Yixing?"

"Um I'm not sure yet but I think I want to help people get better so maybe a doctor in a hospital? Or maybe something with music?"

"That's really cool. I want to do something similar but I want to help children so I was thinking pediatrician. What would you want to do if you went in the music field?"

"I think I would like to be a composer or producer. I can also dance, sing, and rap a little so I guess I could be a performer too."

"That's amazing. Do you compose songs now? You mentioned music sheets on your desk before."

"I do... but they aren't that good."

"I bet they are. You should show me some day."

"I will. What would you do if you went into the music field?"

"I think I would sing. I've never really considered going into that field but I really do love music."

The two continued to share facts about themselves writing them down in their notebooks for their presentation.

With Xiumin, he walked into Chen's room to see a karaoke system and a tv against one wall while a computer and desk was against another wall.

"Hey Xiumin."

"Hey Chen."

"Why don't you come over here so we can work on the project? I'm too lazy to move anyway."

Xiumin laughed at Chen's statement before walking to the bed when Chen sat.

"Alright... How about we talk about some of the stuff we like?"

"Okay. What's your favorite subject Chen?"

"Probably Environmental Sciences. I took it last year and it's still my favorite."

"That's cool. I like climatology which is more on the weather."

"Wow. What about favorite color?"

"I like white a lot. What about you?"

"I like gold and navy blue."

"Like your door?"

"Yeah. That was how I was able to decided on my door colors."

Xiumin nodded writing down what he was learning wondering if he should take a picture of the door for the project.



"Can I take a picture of your door for the project?"

"Sure. I don't mind."



A/N: I'm really falling for PENTAGON right now but they're so underrated it's sad. They are a really good rookie group. I want some PENTAGON ship fanfics but there aren't that many😩.

Anyway, ignore my rant and vote and comment if you enjoyed.

~Admin Jin

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