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An apartment was in chaos as Jeonghan, Joshua, Seungkwan, and Chan scrambled to clean up. Jihoon, Wonwoo, and Minghao had left 20 minutes ago to go to their partner's home. As the four were running around attempting make their home clean, the doorbell rang freezing everyone. Chan was the first to move and ran over to the front door opening it to reveal Jungkook.

"Hi Jungkook!"

"Hey Chan. Are you ready to work on the project?"

"Yeah sure. We can work in my room. It's cleaner there."

"Okay. Hello Jeonghan hyung, Joshua hyung, and Seungkwan."

The three boys gave Jungkook a smile and wave before returning to cleaning. Chan then led Jungkook to his room.

"Don't mind them not saying anything. It's pretty abnormal for them to be silent except for Joshua really. They're just trying to make the apartment look good before their partners get here."

"Makes sense. My house was the same but I don't know what there was to clean when the majority of our stuff is at our new home."

"You guys are moving?"

"Yeah. We're just moving to be neighbors with Kris' group. Less of a commute in the mornings."

"Oh. Is it a nice house?"

"Yeah. Honestly I think it's too big for just me and my roommates because we have a little dance studio, recording space, and still guest rooms."

"You have a dance studio?!"

"Yeah. It's mainly for Hoseok but I love to dance too so I use it at times."

"I love to dance too!"

"Really? That's awesome. You should come over to my new house sometime and we can go to the studio!"

"That sounds great!"

"Look we just finished all the questions we decided to ask."

Jungkook and Chan both started writing about the other's love to dance with Chan adding in that Jungkook was to move.

While that happened, Joshua, Jeonghan, and Seungkwan had finally finished cleaning the apartment and were spread out in the living room when the doorbell rang once more. This time, Jeonghan opened the door to reveal Vernon, Seungcheol, and Seokmin.

"Hey guys. Come in, we're just in the living room." Jeonghan greeted.

The three said greetings back before taking off their shoes and entering the apartment.

"Do you guys just want to work in our rooms?" Joshua asked getting up to meet Seokmin.

"Sounds good." Vernon replied.

The three boys each lead their partners to their rooms hearing Jungkook and Dino's conversation while walking past. Seokmin entered Joshua's room to be met with a simple room. There was a desk and laptop in one corner near the window and a guitar resting next to it. There was also a bookshelf with a large array of English and Korean books.

"That's a nice guitar."

"Huh? Oh thanks. I got it a few months ago actually."

"Cool! You know, I've never heard you play the guitar yet... can you play right now?"

"U-um sure."

Joshua picked up his guitar and sat across from Seokmin on his bed before strumming on the instrument. Seokmin watched in amazement as Joshua's fingers skillfully moved creating a beautiful melody. When Joshua finished, Seokmin was snapped out of his trance giving immediate applause.

"That was amazing!"

"Haha thanks. Anyway, what else do we need to do for the project?"

"Um... we've asked a lot of questions already so I think we can just start on the video."

"Okay. I have a camera we can use and since we're in my house, we can do the video about me first."

"That sounds like a good idea. Let me just get out the notes I took first."

"Sure. I'll go get my camera."

The two got to work on filming taking some breaks when they were laughing too much.

Seungcheol walked into Jeonghan's room to find a desk and computer, small bookshelf, and several photo books.

"You have a nice room."

"Thanks. To be truthful, it isn't typically this clean but since we were expecting company, we decided to clean up."

"Oh really? You didn't have to go through all of that."

"It's fine. We were planning to clean soon anyway."

"Oh alright. What's in the photo books?"

"Um pictures of me and some of the kids at a local orphanage."

"You volunteer there?"

"Yeah. I volunteer there every summer."

"That's cool! I volunteer too but it's at a daycare."

"Cool. You know, we could add that into the project."

"That sounds like a good idea! Then we can just add some of the pictures in the little books we make."

"Okay. I'm actually going to print out the pictures cause I don't want to use the ones in the photo book."

"That's fine. You probably don't want to ruin the originals. Can I use your printer to print my pictures?"


Seungcheol pulled out his phone to find his pictures while Jeonghan went to his computer for pictures.

Walking into Seungkwan's room, Vernon noticed the simplicity of the room. Besides the bed, there was a desk and computer, shelf, and a few posters hanging on the wall.

"You can sit on the bed while I grab my stuff. We probably don't need to ask a lot of questions at this point but we can check."

"Okay. You have a nice room."

"Thanks. It's not always this clean... ever."

"Haha same with mine."

Seungkwan sat down next to Vernon with his papers in hand.

"Alright. It looks like we got a lot of the questions done so let's just ask one or two more."

"Okay. Um...are there any traits that you're known for within your friend group?"

"I'm known for being really sassy."


"Yeah. I just haven't shown you my sassy side yet."

"Alright. Well I'm known for being a meme."

"Meme? How?"

"I make a lot of meme faces. Not always on purpose but still."

"Oh..." Seungkwan attempted to hide his laughter.

"You can laugh. It's supposed to be funny."

Right as Vernon said that, Seungkwan started laughing to where Vernon joined him. After laughing for a minute or so, the two settled down to finish the questions part of their project and move on.


A/N: Award show votings are chaotic... wow the struggles of being multifandom and not knowing who to vote for too.

~Admin Jin

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