Chapter 14

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Skipping 3 episodes, sorry! Going straight to Hell House, love you guys!!
- Mk

Sam and Dean left me at a babysitter's for a little while, it's because Sam wanted me to go to school, so I could learn how to read and write properly. Dean wasn't happy about it but did agree, after Sam said I'd be safe a million times.
Once I saw the impala pull up, I ran out to the car and jumped onto Dean, he fell back and hit the ground.
I said" I missed you! I missed you! I missed you!" Dean kissed my head and smiled at me,
He said" I missed you too, baby girl, We're gonna get Sammy back for this one, okay?" I smiled and nodded, happily, Sam leaned against the impala,
Sam said" For the millionth time, I'm sorry, so sorry, I didn't know you both would act like sad dogs... and Hazel, you don't bite people."
I said" He was trying to take my piece of pie!"
" Stop acting like Dean, I swear, the older you get, the more Dean like you are."
" I'm my own person!" He laughed and lifted me up, hugging me tightly, I hugged him back.
" I missed you too."
" Dean, look, Sammy loves me!" Dean laughed and took me from Sam, Sam shook his head and got into the impala, driving side. Dean carried me to the other side and scooted in with me. He pulled me into his side, I cuddled into him," Dean's letting me cuddle willingly, what happened while I was away?"
" A lot of stuff, we'll catch you up later, we're gonna be on the road for a while."
" Okay."
We were in Texas, Sam was asleep next to Dean, Dean looked at him then glanced at me before looking at the road. I handed him a spoon, Dean smiled and took it, then put it in Sam's mouth. He took of picture of Sam, before turning up the music really loud and woke Sam up. Sam pulled the spoon out of his mouth, Dean and I smiled.
Sam said" Ha Ha. Very funny."
Dean said" Sorry. Not a lot of scenery here in East Texas, you kind of got to make your own."
" Man, we're not kids anymore, Dean. We're not gonna start that crap up again."
" Start what up?"
" That prank stuff. It's stupid, and it always escalates."
" What's the matter, Sammy? You afraid you're gonna get a little nair in your shampoo again, huh?"
" Alright. Just remember, you started it."
" Oh, bring it on, baldy."
" Where are we, anyway?"
" A few hours outside of Richardson. Give me the lowdown again."
" Alright, about a month or two ago, this group of kids goes poking around this local haunted house..."
" Haunted by what?"
" Apparently, a pretty misogynistic spirit. Legend goes it takes girls and strings them up in the rafters. Anyway, this group of kids see this dead girl hanging in the cellar."
" Anybody ID the corpse?"
" Well, that's the thing. By the time the cops got there, the body was gone. So the cops were saying the kids were yanking their chains."
" Maybe the cops are right."
" Maybe, but I read a couple of the kids' firsthand accounts. They seem pretty sincere."
" Where'd you read these accounts?"
" Well, I knew we were gonna be passing through Texas, so last night I was surfing some local... paranormal websites, and I found one."
" And what's it called?"
" Let me guess, streaming live out of Mom's basement."
" Yeah, probably."
" Most of those websites wouldn't know a ghost if it bit them in the pursqueeter."
" Look, we let dad take off, which was a mistake, by the way, and we don't know where the hell he is. So meantime, we got to find ourselves something to hunt. There's no harm checking this thing out."
" Alright. So, where do we find these kids?"
" Same place you always find kids in a town like this."

They went into some restaurant, and asked the teenagers, I watched them walk inside, then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
We were walking towards the house, Sam said" Can't say I blame the kid."
Dean said" Yeah. So much for curb appeal."
Sam was looking through windows, Dean was trying to EMF, once Sam came back to us.
" You got something?"
" Yeah. The EMF's no good."
" Why?"
" I think that thing's still has a little juice in it. It's screwing with all the readings."
" Yeah, That'd do it."
" Yeah. Come on, let's go." We walked inside, I held onto Dean's hand, they said I couldn't leave one of their sides while inside the house.
Dean said" Looks like old man Murdoch was a bit of a tagger during his time."
Sam said" And after his time, too. The reverse cross has been used by satanists for centuries, but the sigil of sulfur didn't show up in San Francisco until the '60's."
" Exactly why you never get laid." Dean and I walked to a sigil I've never seen," What about this one? You seen this one before?"
" No."
" I have... somewhere."
" It's paint. Seems pretty fresh, too."
" I don't know, Sam. I hate to agree with authority figures of any kind, but the cops might be right about this one."
" Yeah. Maybe." Then we heard a crash, we walked to the sound. Sam opened the door and they ran in, to be faced with flashlights and two men.
A man said" Ugh. Cut! Just a couple of humans."
Another man said" What are you guys doing here?"
Dean said" What the hell are you doing here?"
First man said" Uh, we belong here. We're professionals."
" Professional what?"
" Paranormal investigators. Here you go. Take a look at that, boys."
" You got to be kidding me."
Sam said" Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spengler, You guys run that website."
First guy said" Yeah."
Dean said" Yeah, yeah. We're huge fans."
" And we know who you guys are, too."
Sam said" Oh, yeah?"
" Amateurs looking for ghosts and cheap thrills."
Second guy said" Yeah, so, if you guys don't mind, we're trying to conduct a serious scientific investigation here."
Dean said" Yeah? What do you got so far?"
First guy said" Har, why don't you tell them about EMF?"
Sam said" EMF?"
Second guy said" Electromagnetic field. Spectral entities can cause energy fluctuations that can be read with an EMF detector. Like this bad boy right here." they turned it on and got readings," It's 2.8 mG. It's hot in here." I hid my face in Dean's jacket, holding back my laughter,
" Wow."
Dean said" Huh. So, have you guys ever really seen a ghost before?"
First guy said" Once. We were investigating this old house, and we saw a vase fall right off the table."
Second guy said" By itself."
" Well, we didn't actually... we didn't actually see it, but we heard it. And something like that, it... it changes you."
Dean said" I think I get the picture. We should go, let them get back to work." Dean lifted me up as he started walking and held me on his hip.

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