Chapter 31

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I screamed" You're both stupid!" We were in a motel room, they were warding the place up so I could stay here while they took a case.
Dean said" We're not stupid. You're just pissed because you don't like being away from us for more than 3 hours."
Sam said" Dean, we're putting ourselves into a mental hospital... I think she has the right to call us stupid for the rest of our lives."
I screamed" Stupid!"
Dean said" Okay, okay, okay, I get it, I get it. But at least we didn't leave you at Bobby's." I threw my shoe at him and he dodged it," Who taught you how to throw like that?!"
Sam and I said" You, Dean." Dean clicked his tongue then looked at me, he crouched down and looked up at me.
" You'll be okay, Hazel. And anyways you have that mojo, you can tell if we need your help and you can flash in and save the day."
I said" That's not how that works, I'm not Cas. I'm me."
" I know for fact that you can tell if we're hurt or in danger, and I know for a fact, Castiel listens to you because you scare him."
Sam said" Dean, she scares us sometimes too."
" I know. See, Baby girl, you're more scary than us, meaning you're way braver than us."
I mumbled" Fine. But if I notice either one of you in over your fat heads, I'm coming to the rescue."
" My head is not fat."
" Yes it is."
" No, it's- I'm not fighting with a little kid, we'll be back soon, just sit tight and stay off the news channels, okay? You've got food. Be good. Don't cause too much trouble and stay inside this room."
" I know the drill, Dean. Just don't die, either of you, okay?"
Sam and Dean said" Okay, baby girl." I smiled then they both kissed my head and walked out, closing and locking the door from the outside. I sighed then turned on a cartoon channel and waited for my mojo to kick start.

My head tilted and I stared at the tv screen then my mind went blank. I stood up and then was knocked back and hit the wall.

Wraith. Mirrors. Silver.

I fell to the ground and groaned, I held my head and curled up into a ball. I screamed as my head wouldn't stop hurting," Sammy! Dean! Help me! Help me!" Then I passed out,

I woke up when I felt something was wrong with Dean, I couldn't find out was wrong, he wasn't bleeding, but he was really scared. I tried to focus on him but I couldn't get a clearing in my mind. I wasn't giving up though, I'll never give up on my brothers.
Something was wrong with Sam, he's freaking out, something's going on in there! I need to help them! I need to help them now!
I stood up and grabbed one of Sam's shirts then Dean's, I closed my eyes and focused on seeing them, one of them, I don't care which one it is.

I appeared in a hallway, I looked down and saw a blood trail, I tilted my head.

Silver. Knife. Wraith.

I followed the trail and stopped as I heard a woman speaking to someone, I pressed against the wall and the men ran pass me. I ran to the woman, pulling out a silver knife from my jacket, I went to stab her but she turned and grabbed my arm.
She said" What are you?" I felt something go over my eyes, then something else." Oh, just a scared little girl. Who doesn't know who she is, what she is." She turned me to a mirror then I saw I had black eyes, demon eyes. I stared at them, terrified, I was frozen in place, I'm gonna turn into a demon, I mean, come on... it's bound to happen, Sam had powers and he had black eyes for a second.

No! No! No! Focus! Focus!

I snapped out of it and saw the woman gone, then I saw Dean,
I said" Dean!" He looked at me, I ran to him and grabbed his face, staring into his eyes. He blinked a few times,
He mumbled" What did you just do?"
" Helped, go get Sam." My vision blurred then I nodded at him, he nodded then continued to walk. I followed as close as I could, but I'm starting to get weak, my powers are being overloaded.
Dean opened a door, he said" You get away from him."
She said" Do you really think this is gonna end well for you, kiddo?"
" No. but I'm crazy, so what the hell." Then they fought, and Dean tore off the spike from her hand. I ran to Sam and then Dean stabbed her in the heart with the silver knife.
Sam said" You still crazy?"
" Not any more than usual." I started undoing the buckles on Sam's feet, then looked at Dean," We got to get out of here." Then the alarm started blaring,
I said" See at the impala." I focused on the motel room and appeared there, I grabbed my bag then focused on the impala.
I appeared next to the impala as Sam and Dean got there,
Dean said" Well, looks like Tom Cruise was right. Shrinks suck. What are you doing? Sam, you okay?"
Sam said" No. No, the wraith-"
" What about her?"
" She was right."
" No, she wasn't. She's dead, okay? Let's hit the road. I need a drink. Or 12."
" Most of the time I can hide it, but... I am angry. I'm mad at everything. I used to be mad at you and dad, then Lilith, now it's Lucifer. A-And I make excuses. I blame Ruby or the demon blood. But it's not their fault. It's not them. It's me. It's inside me. I am mad all the time... and I don't know why."
" Okay, stop. Stop it. So what if you are? What are you gonna do, take a leave of absence? You gonna say yes to Lucifer? What?"
" No, of course not. I-"
" Exactly. And that's exactly what you're gonna do. You're gonna take all that crap, and you're gonna bury it. You're gonna forget about it... because that's how we keep going. That's how we don't end up like Martin! Are you with me? Come on, man. Are you with me?"
" I'm with you."
" Good. Let's get the hell out of here." Sam walked by me and lifted me up, I wrapped my arms around his neck but let the rest of my body stay hanging. He got into the impala and held me on his lap, as I passed out due to low energy.

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