First Day And First Encounter (Edited)

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I walk into classroom 219 with my head down and a sense of utter dread rushing through my veins. A week ago I was looking forward to this moment more than anything and now I'd rather stick my head in mud than be here right now.

I'm early.

I'm always early. That's just my personality but today I hate myself for it more than usual because occupying this room right now is only Dr.crane, some chubby boy whose asleep on his desk, and myself.

I can feel the side of my head about to catch fire and I'm forced to look up at Thomas whose stare is threatening to burn a hole through my skull.

Our eyes lock and I feel a cold sweat sweep over me. He won't say it out loud but The look on his face is pleading for me to walk over.

I straighten up and sigh.

Let's get this over with.

I walk up to Thomas's desk and fidget uncomfortably with the hem of my oversized sweater.

"About Friday night..." I start but Thomas stops me. "If you apologize to me right now I'm docking you 10 points." His interruption makes my head spring up from my distracted fingers to his face that is wearing a subtle grin.

Did he just make a joke Right now?

"Excuse me?" I ask, bewildered. "It was entirely my fault, Sophia. Don't you dare apologize. I was way out of line. We were both under the influence and I let you down as a professional figure. Please forgive me. It won't happen again"

Never in my life did I imagine I'd be getting apologized to by Thomas Crane for mouth sexing me in a bar. I know the kiss was out of like but to straight up say you regret the entire thing is a bit insensitive.

judging by the way he worded his apology you'd think it was prepared for a court case. Did he think I was going to tell on him?

What is this sour feeling in my heart?

I bite my lip and shrug. "That's fair. If you insist professor then I don't apologize. I liked it so what's there to be sorry for. Furthermore, I'll consider accepting your apology. It might just take some time for me to forget all of the... details." I give Thomas a fake grin then turn and walk to an empty seat in the second row.

I look back over at my sweet professor who looks so dumbfounded I can't help but giggle softly to myself. I'm not usually so vindictive, but there's something about someone saying they regret kissing you that, oh I don't know, pisses you off.

Slowly but surely people start pooling into the classroom, cups of coffee in their hands and bags under their eyes.

Ah, that first day feeling.

I lean down to pull a fresh black notebook from my book bag and on my way back up my head collides with that of another human being.

Ow, what the fuck?

My hand reaches for my bruised skull as my eyes search for the culprit. They come to rest on an unusually handsome guy with black hair, pale green eyes, and incredibly white teeth who is also gripping a portion of his own injured head

"I am so sorry," he says trying not to laugh. I shake my head and share in a small laugh with the stranger whose taken the seat beside me.

I discover he too was reaching for a notebook when life decided we both deserved a concussion.

"That's okay, I'm sure I've done something to deserve that," I joke in return. "I really doubt that," the guy says in disbelief as he gives his head one more healing rub.

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