A Lot of Flirting and Something Unexpected

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*I do not own the video above but watch it because it's adorable*


"Jeeze I haven't been out with a girl in sooo long, I don't even know how to act anymore!" Fiona admits while rifling through her entire wardrobe.

"I mean, honestly what do I wear? Boobs or no boobs?" Fiona holds a black sweater to her chest then a red low cut blouse.

"To be fair, Fiona, I'm pretty sure Clara still likes boobs. It's kinda the main appeal of being a lesbian"

I'm sitting on Fiona's bed, already completely dressed and messing around on my phone.

Before coming over I opted for a pair of tight black paints and a striped slightly cropped sweater.

I look good if I do say so myself while also being pretty comfortable.

"Yeah but with great boobs comes great responsibility. They can be intimidating," Fiona reasons in her defense.

I heave myself up and walk over to her dimly lit mess of a closet. Once I get my bearings I start rummaging around for anything that's not just blatantly slutty .

"What about this? It says 'hey I may have huge lady lumps but you better buy me dinner first'"

Fiona grabs the top and tries to visualize the perfect outfit with it. "You know with a cute statement skirt this could work." I nod in agreement "but if Clara is even half as hot as you say, dinner isn't necessary to see these." Fiona wiggles her eyebrows at me and grabs her chest. I almost choke on my own abrupt laughter.

From the bed where I left it, my phone lights up and rings indicating a new message from Thomas.

"Are you guys still talking? You'd think a man in his thirties wouldn't text so much." Fiona prods as I go to check my notification.

"I think he's really happy that we don't have to wait until one of us is online to talk anymore," I reply.

"And you aren't mad about him loosing his shit on you the other day?"

"Sophia is a little mad but LiteraryLane21 doesn't have a reason to be so I'm just going to get over it. Besides, it was still really hot."

Fiona rolls her eyes at me and I cringe.

Yeah yeah I know I'm stupid.

"Does he know that Lane is going on a date with a gorgeous football player tonight?" She teases and I feel guilt creeping in.

"Well, no." I whisper.

"Hmmm then maybe it's you that's a piece of shit this time."

Should I feel bad about this? The moment Thomas did anything promiscuous with someone he told me about it, but here I am about to go on a date.

Part of me, the part that Thomas was an ass-hat to, doesn't feel very bad at all, but the part of me that is kind of his digital lover feels awful.

I tell myself that there's no way I could ever fall for Michael anyways and leave it at that.

Besides, Thomas almost kissed me again and didn't bother mentioning it so who cares?

I know Thomas only kissed me the first time because he was drunk. He would never really risk loosing his doctorate or jail time over some student, would he?

"Anyways, what do you think?" Fiona asks as she twirls about in her ensemble. "You look beautiful Fi, now lets get going before we miss the movie."

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