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Annabeth's POV

Save me,
From who I'm suppose to be
Don't wanna be a victim of authority,
I'll always be apart of the minority

I slammed my locker shut. It was finally the end of the day. For everyone else, at least. I still had detention. Ugh. I did not want to go to this shit. I grabbed my board and suddenly got an idea.

I could just leave. I don't really have to go anywhere. I quickened my pace and pulled my hat down to cover my face. I was almost out the doors, almost free, when I was so rudely stopped.

"And where do you think you're going?" Mr. Defidion's smile was so cruel it made me want to punch something. I sighed and turned to him. "You have detention." He said. Then he did something that really pissed me off.

He took my fucking board.

It took every ounce of my will power not to deck this man in the face. He turned and began walking off, through all of the students gathering their things to leave. I now know that I, unfortunately, won't be one of those people.

"Hey! Give me my board back!" I yell and chase him down the hallway, bumping into students. They cursed me out, or told me to watch it, but I didn't care. The only thing I did care about: getting my board back. I've had this board since fifth grade, when I started to ride. This was the most consistent thing in my entire life. No matter what happened, I always had my board. I used it to get around a lot, since my dad was always busy and it would probably kill Helen to do something nice for me and give me a ride. This board was like my best friend, especially now. Sad, but true.

He finally walked into a classroom. I followed him inside and didn't stop until he took a seat at his desk, placing my skateboard on the floor. He sat at his desk, hands clasped, and looked at me. I have my hands spread on his desk and am leaning forward. "Yes, Ms. Chase?" He asked with a pleasant smile.

I stared at him, a bored look on my face. "Uh, I want my board back." I said blatantly.

He completely ignored my question. He turned and wrote something on the chalkboard.


He turned back to face me. "You're kidding me." I said.

"Please take your seat."

I sighed. "So I'm not getting my board back?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Please take your seat." Mr. Defidion repeated himself, this time more grudgingly.

"Take that as a no." I muttered and turned on my heel. I walked past all the empty desks in the front, noticing how few were occupied. I saw that kid... Johnson? Jensen? Hold on... Jackson! Jackson was his last name. I sat two seats behind him. He was the reason I was in here.

I threw my book bag on the floor and plopped down in the chair. After a few minutes of tapping my pen and looking out the window—thank you, ADHD—I got bored. Then an idea hit me. I pulled out a sheet of loose leaf and scribbled down a note.

Thanks for getting me in here.

I crumpled it up in a ball and chucked it at that Jackson kid. It him in the head and he whipped around to see his attacker. He looked pretty pissed as his eyes landed on me. I just nodded to the note that had fallen to the floor. He narrowed his eyes at me before picking up and the note and reading it. He turned back to his desk and wrote something. He chucked it back at me. I caught it and gave him a look like, nice try. He looked sour from his defeat. I read the note.

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