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TW: mentions of suicide and self harm - to anyone this may affect, know that you are loved and so important ! Never be afraid to reach out ❤️

Annabeth's POV

"Let's play truth or dare." Piper smiled evilly.

"You're still as cliche as ever, Pipes." I shook my head, taking a sip of my soda. I smiled seeing all of my friends in one place. Leo seemed to hit it off great with Jason, and Reyna quickly befriended Piper. Everyone once and a while, I saw Hazel and Leo exchange a glance, and Leo blushed. Hazel didn't really blush as hard as Leo, but there was still some sort of tension...

Percy seemed a little uncomfortable, but I get it—he only really knows a few of us, and he opened up to me about his minor trust issues and anxiety. I tried to put half of my mind on Percy, and the rest of it on my friends. It was working well so far. I just really hoped that he liked them, and could become friends with them.

"Say what you want, this game is always fun." Piper leaned back on her hands.

"I'm down." Leo agreed. Everyone else obliged as well.

"Alright. I'll go first then." Piper looked around. "Leo, truth or dare?"

Leo grinned. "Dare."

"I dare you to run the down the block, in your underwear screaming..." she thought for a minute. "Nipples." She decided.

"Fine. You don't scare Bad Boy Valdez." Leo stood up, a fiery look in his eyes. He started to strip down and we all followed him to the door.

"And, go!" Piper yelled as Leo took of down the sidewalk.

"NIPPLES! NIPPLES!" He screeched. I burst out laughing, along with everyone else.

A few minutes later, we'd still been laughing, Leo came back, out of breath. "I did it!" He announced. "Now get me back inside it's cold."

We all laughed as we assumed our previous positions in the floor of Piper's bedroom.

"Alright, it's my turn." Leo said as he put his clothes back on. He sat down and looked at all of us, deciding who to pick. "Percy!" He shouted, making him jump. "Truth or dare."

"Oh god," Percy said. "Truth."

"Wimp." Reyna snickered.

"Oh shut up, Arellano." Percy retorted.

"Now don't worry Reyna, Valdez has got some good ones under his belt. Hmm." He thought for a minute talking his chin. Then his face lit up. "Eh, no I won't be that evil,"

Percy sighed in relief.

"But I'll still be evil." Leo grinned mischievously.

"Aw shit." Percy complained as his head dropped. I laughed. "Really, Chase?"

"Yeah. I can't wait for this one." I smirked. Percy just shook his head.

"Well, if you two are done flirting—don't interrupt me—" we were both about to protest but Leo stopped us. "Percy I have your truth. How long is your dick?"

Percy spit out his soda, widening his eyes. "No."

I burst out laughing, hardly being able to breath. A few others snickered, and Hazel turned bright red, fanning herself. Piper snickered and fist bumped Leo, while Jason shook his head.

"Leo you vile little shit I hope you know that I fucking hate you, and I will get your dirty ass back, you little fucking shit." Percy cursed him out.

Leo cackled and I laughed as well. "But you gotta do it, man." Leo insisted.

Percy sighed. "Fine, you asshat." He exhaled before mumbling something incoherent.

Never Be (Percabeth AU)✔️Where stories live. Discover now