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Annabeth's POV

"So, what are we wearing to the winter formal?" Piper asked us. The winter formal was in a few days, December 20, just before winter break.

It had been some time since Percy told his mother about Gabe. He said he wasn't ready to open up to the group just yet, but he would soon. Gabe was put on trial, and Percy and Sally easily won the case. Gabe was sentenced 50 yeas in prison for child abuse and endangerment, for Percy wasn't eighteen yet, and he was a minor when the abuse started. I was just glad that everything was over. But I knew that Percy would have his physical and emotional scars for the rest of his life. This wasn't just something you get over. It affected you forever. But I would be happy to help and to be there for him while he heals. I would never really admit this aloud but, I'm not going anywhere.

"Nothing." I said.

"Well that's quite the fashion statement. I mean, it's a little R-rated, don't you think? Especially for school gr—" Leo teased.

"Shut it, you dipshit." I slapped him upside the head. "I mean, I'm not wearing anything because I'm not going."

"Uh, yes you are." Piper gave me a look. "We're all going, even Percy."

"Uh, I-I don't think that's such a good ide—" Percy stuttered.

"Oh please, you'll be fine. Annabeth will be there." Piper smiled at me.

I glared at her. "I really hate you, and I'm only going to avoid having you annoy the shit out of me about it."

"Alright!" Piper exclaimed. "Hazel, you in? Frank will probably be there." Piper coaxed.

"That's not why I'm going, but I'm in." Hazel agreed.

"Good. Leo, Reyna what do we think?" Piper looked to them.

"I'll go. I mean, why not?" Reyna shrugged.

"Perfect. Leo, Calypso will probably be there." Piper raised her eyebrows.

"Fine, Piper." Leo spat. "I'll go. But only because my bud Anna here is going." He put his arms around my shoulders.

"Get off of me." I said and Leo quickly removed his arm.

"Alright, that's all of us? Wonderful!" Piper grinned widely.


"Annabeth, you have to wear a dress!" Piper insisted over the phone.

"I don't even have one to wear!" I protested.

"Fine. Come over you can borrow one of mine."

"Bu—" I started.

"Nope. You're coming. Or do I have to send someone to come get you?"

I sighed. "Fine."

"And besides, Reyna and Hazel are coming as well, so."

"Alright. I'll be there in five." I sighed. I grabbed my board and headed for the door. "I'm going out!" I yelled to no one in particular.

"Where?" Some one called back.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I couldn't even get out of my own house. "I'm going to Piper's."

"For how long?" Helen walked in from the living room.

I tried my best not to scowl at the sight of her. "I don't know. Maybe till one." I tried to keep my anger out of my voice. I really didn't have the time to be fighting with Helen right now.

Never Be (Percabeth AU)✔️Where stories live. Discover now