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Annabeth's POV


That was the first thing that popped into my head when I opened my eyes. First of all, I wasn't in my bed. Second of all, there was someone behind me and the only thing between us was a thin layer of sweat. Third of all, that someone was Percy.

I exhaled slowly. Judging from the regular fall and rise of Percy's chest against my back, he was still sleep. I didn't know what to do. Did I leave? Did I wait?

I had had plenty of one night stands before, but this definitely wasn't a one night stand. I decided to just stay as still as possible and think everything over.

Okay, last night, I came over here to try and make up with Percy again, fueled by inspiring words from Helen. We were talking, and then we were kissing, and then my shirt was off, and...

Percy and I... Wow. I guess when he kissed me, I just couldn't hold back. The feelings for him that I had were kept in a bottle, and it was like he just pulled off the cap.

Along with your clothes.

I couldn't keep the smallest smile from my lips. Percy liked me. He liked me back. The only way I could keep from squirming with excitement was by biting my lip.

Similar to how Percy had.

I really needed to stop having these thoughts—biting my lip won't work for much longer.

Anyways, the big question: How was it?

God... it was great. Percy was better than I thought he was, but I think the fact that it was him made it even better. The way that he kissed me, and his hands—

I need to stop.

But what are we now? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Friends with benefits? Ugh, I hoped not. I did that once—it was really awkward. Anyways, I guessed we'd just have to sort that out later.

I was suddenly distracted by a buzzing sound. I realized it was Percy's phone over on his nightstand. I carefully reached for it, thankful that Percy's arm was only wrapped around my waist. I read the texts on his lock screen:

Mom: I know what happened. Just clean up, and please tell me that you were safe!! I'll be home later, at six. Annabeth can stay if she wants. I won't tell anyone.

I placed his phone back down, moving my hand to cover my mouth. I was mortified. Sally knew. I wanted to kick myself in the face. Oh god, that's gonna be so awkward.


Something else donned on me; my dad is going to kill me. I promised that I'd always keep him posted on where I was going, whether I was out late or not. Shit. And Helen. She knew where I was.


I was really trying my hardest not to freak out. If I bit down on my lip any harder, I was afraid I'd draw blood. I carefully inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm down.

It didn't help that Percy began to stir behind me. I pretended as if I had just woke up.

"Hey," He said, stretching his arms, then returning them to my waist. I took a deep breath and turned to look at him.

"Hey," I breathed. Percy kissed my shoulder and I smiled. We laid in silence for a little while, just kind of... taking in each other's presence.

I finally broke the silence, turning to lay on my back. "So..." I prompted. "What does this make us?"

Never Be (Percabeth AU)✔️Where stories live. Discover now