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Annabeth's POV

I wanna breath you in like a vapor
I wanna be the one your remember
I want to feel your love like the weather
All over me
All over me

I was just minding my own business, exchanging books at my locker, when some asshole rudely interrupted my music.


I pulled out my earbuds and turned to face whoever thought it was okay to disturb me. I turned and was met with ice cold blue eyes. The boy had sandy blonde hair, and an eerie scar running along the right side of his face from his jaw to his eyebrow. He was accompanied by three much larger guys. Normally, someone would be intimidated. But, I did not give a shit. "What do you want from me?" I asked with a bored expression.

"Hm. Cut right to the point. I like it."

"Look, you're making this encounter a lot longer than it has to be, and I don't appreciate it. Once again, what do you want?" I asked a bit more aggressively.

"Alright. I was hoping that you would hang out with me." He kept a completely calm expression despite my agitated tone. "We can hang at my place. Snacks, drinks."

I burst out hysterically laughing. "Oh wow." I said as I wiped under my eyes. The boy took on a more appalled expression. "Why on earth would I hang out with you?" I asked, still smiling from how funny that was.

"Because. I'm popular and I'm hot."

I cracked up again. "Okay, let me just tell you, I have more dignity than to go out with some arrogant, conceited asshole. So nice try, but not in a million years." I turned and closed my locker prepared to walk away.

"Fine. Slut."

I froze. He actually just called me a slut. I turned around, my face set in a hard glare. He grew uneasy under my gaze. "You just made a very big mistake." My words were just over a whisper.

The boy looked confused at first, but also scared. I took a step forward and kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. He doubled over, grabbing his crotch. I took this opportunity to punch him in the face. I sent a right hook straight to his jaw. He fell over onto the floor. I kneeled down in front of him as he gasped in pain. "Bother me again, and I'll do much worse." I spoke quietly, conveying a dangerous tone. I stood up and walked off. I just then realized the crowd around us.

He managed to say one last thing as I walked off. "Asshole!" This didn't bother me, I knew I was an asshole. It's one of my best traits. I simply held up the middle finger as I walked down the hallway. I made eye contact with that Jackson kid as I walked off. His face conveyed one emotion; respect. I simply nodded at him and kept walking.

I could here the boy's friends pointing out how I had just roasted him. I smirked at this.

Realization set in as my priority of beating that asshole up was no longer primary. I had math class. With the most infuriating teacher in all of Goode High; Mr. Defidion.

Wish me luck.


"So you didn't do your homework because you were hanging out with friends?"

"Yep." I popped the 'p'. This was about the fifth time that Mr. Defidion had said it. I mean, you'd think he would understand it by now, but apparently not.

"I doubt that." He said.

"And I doubt you're not a virgin." I retorted. A couple in the class snickered.

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