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TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains mentions of abuse. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse please speak out and get help. Remember you are loved.

Percy's POV

I walked along the sidewalk. I thought about my entire day so far. Actually, I thought about my entire life. Whenever I go home, I contemplate all my decisions. This is because if I walk into the apartment, I don't know if I'll come out alive. I thought about the day, what had happened at lunch with Chase. I figured out that her first name is Annabeth. Annabeth Chase. Nah, I like Chase better.

We had made a bit of conversation today. Of course, it was bickering.

Flash Back

"By the way, I saw you trip in the hallway. Just thought I'd let you know that it was hilarious." She sketched away in her book.

I pulled out my earbuds. "By the way, you're an asshole. Just thought I'd let you know that it's really annoying." I said, mocking her.

She looked up and smirked at me. "I know,"

I narrowed my eyes at her. I just put my earbuds back in.

When the lights go out
She's all I ever think about
The picture burning in my brain
Kissing in the rain
And I can't forget
My English love affair

"Huh. Who knew that your taste in music isn't actually terrible."

"What?" I pulled out my earbuds.

"Well, if that's what I think it is," she nodded to my phone. "Then I can be slightly less of an asshole to you."

"Really? What do you think it is then? Any opportunity for you to be less of an asshole is an opportunity I will take." I said.

She rolled her eyes. "English Love Affair, 5 Seconds of Summer?"

I nodded. "Wow, who knew that you like music that isn't screaming?"

"Shut up, Jackson." She narrowed her eyes at me. Her glare scared me a little bit, but only a little. Okay... maybe a little more than a little. Whatever. She went back to her sketch. I went back to my music.

When I got out
I knew
That nobody I knew would be believing me
I look back now
and know
That nobody could ever take the memory

End of Flash Back

God, that girl is annoying. She's always making fun of me. And of course, I tease her back, but still. I wish she would cut me some slack. Would she cut me some slack if she knew? I doubt it.

By the time I had finished reminiscing about my lunch period, I was already at the door. I took a deep breath. I opened the door, walked in, and closed it behind me. Here we go.

"Where were you?!" Gabe's words were slurred as he stumbled around the apartment towards me, an empty beer bottle in his left hand. He was drunk. Fun.

"School." I spoke as calmly as I could. You have to be careful when Gabe is drunk. He can take anything the wrong way, and suddenly you're on the floor, clutching your gut where he had just punched you. I know from experience. It's not a good time.

"You liar!" He threw the beer bottle at me. I ducked to avoid being hit in the face. I put my arms over my head to protect it from any glass shards.

"Wimp!" Gabe trudged toward me, tripping over himself and nearly falling. I stood up just before he swung. Lucky me. Before I knew it, I was against the wall, clutching the left side of my face. I pulled my hand away and saw blood.

Then, I was doubled over, the air knocked out of me. Gabe had punched my right in the gut. I made some sort of gasping/gagging noise, before he kicked my shin, causing me to fall to the floor.

He continued to kick me, over and over, in the gut, the legs, my arms. Anywhere he could. I kept my head and face covered with my arms. He wasn't just abusing me physically, oh no, because that would be to easy. The fates needed to go the whole nine yards. I'm also no stranger to verbal abuse. Gabe would shout at me. Anything from "Liar!" To, "Everything is your fault!" Or, "You're a wimp!"

Suddenly the kicking stopped. I peeked through my arms and watched Gabe lumber over to the couch before passing out on it. Sometimes I would wish that he wouldn't wake up. But I never got lucky enough.


I got up and walked into the bathroom as quietly as possible. Gabe just passed out, but I wasn't taking any chances of him waking up. I finally reached the bathroom and pulled off my t-shirt.

Gabe had really done a number on me. I was bruised all over my abdomen and my arms. My forearms were the worst; I had used them to cover my head when Gabe kept trying to kick my face. Speaking of my face, I had a bloody bruise right next to my left eye, my nose was bleeding, and I had a small cut at the right corner of my mouth. I also had a bruise at the top right of my forehead. Great. Every time I turned, my gut hurt. It was a little difficult to breath, but probably because I was still shaken up. I didn't think I had any broken ribs or punctured lungs, thank God. I wouldn't know what to tell my mother if I had to go to the hospital. Oh, I fell down the stairs. She would never buy it.

I took a wet rag and wiped my nose and the side of my mouth. Oh, and another tiny surprise cut at my upper left forehead. Thankfully, most of these things could be covered by my hair. I didn't have to worry about the tiny cut and bruise. The cut at the side of my mouth wasn't a huge deal. A nosebleed could easily be cleaned up. The bruise next to my eye would be annoying, though. Wish me luck with that one. I'll have to make an excuse for when my mom gets home from work.

I would put ice on my abdomen when I came home. Right now, I was going to the pond.


What I like about you
You hold me tight
Tell me I'm the only one
Wanna come over tonight?

An upbeat song to counteract my miserable mood. I walked and walked and walked until I reached my spot. I walked through the woods, avoiding tree branches and leaves. The forest ground crunching under my feet. I trudged through the foliage until I found the clearing. I walked over to the dock. I peeked under it. My bucket was still there.

The first time I came here in 6th grade, I found an old bucket and filled it with rocks. Then, I sat on the dock with it, and chucked the rocks into the pond.

I grabbed the bucket and took a seat at the end of the dock. I pulled out a rock and threw it as hard as my bruised arm would let me. It landed close to the other side of the huge pond, which I thought was pretty impressive. Throwing rocks is a good way to get my anger out. This pond was pretty much abandoned; I was pretty sure I was the only person who knew about it, so I didn't have to worry that I would hurt someone. I also didn't have to worry that someone would come and bother me.

I was too tired to function correctly, so I decided to take a little nap. I laid with my back flat to the dock and I fell asleep to my music.

Are we wasting time
Talking on a broken line
Telling you I
Haven't seen your face in ages
Feels like we're as close as strangers


Authors note

Guys this is one of the parts that I have an excerpt for so this next chappie will be easy. If you're wondering what an excerpt is, I would get bored in school and write random little pieces of this story, so I have one for this. So yeah. I'll update again soon—I have literally nothing else to do bc I am horribly sunburned. Anyways, don't forget to comment, vote, etc. thanks and love you guys!!

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