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Annabeth's POV

"Guess what!" I shouted as soon as Percy slammed his locker, effectively scaring him.

"Jesus, Annabeth! Don't do that!" He shook his head, chuckling afterward. "What?"

Normally, I would have actually made him guess, but this news was just too big and I needed to tell someone, now. "Piper is coming to New York!" I shouted excitedly. I usually wouldn't show this much excitement, but I really couldn't hold it in.

"No way!" Percy said completely turning to me, the biggest smile on his face.

"YES FUCKING WAY!" I yelled before grabbing Percy in a bone-crushing, chokehold-ish hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me back. For some reason, this boosted the elated feeling I had at the moment.

"Can't breath." Percy choked out.

"Sorry," I pulled away. "I'm just really excited." I was still beaming.

"I can tell." He laughed. "How? When is she coming?" Percy readjusted his book bag strap on his shoulder.

"Well, Piper's dad has a project here that he'll be working on for a while. Her dad has a house here so they'll be staying there and she says that we should all hang out as soon as she gets in tomorrow." I explained.

Percy nodded. "Okay, sounds good. But, you say 'all' is if there's more people." He furrowed his eyebrows in question.

"Oh, well, Hazel's coming as well. Her mother recently passed, and she's not old enough to live on her own. She hasn't found any luck with foster homes or even being adopted in San Francisco, so she wants to try here." I finished.

"Oh, that sucks. I hope she has some luck here." Percy said apologetically. "Leo's had some trouble in the past so maybe he can be a friend?" Percy shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll be happy to. We'll have to introduce them. Also, Jason is coming." I said.

Percy's expression hardened for a split second. "Okay." He nodded.

I raised an eyebrow skeptically. "You're not... jealous, are you?" Honestly, I don't know what I would do if he was, because that could mean that he likes me and I just figured out how I feel and that would be a lot to take in, especially because I don't really do feelings.

"What? No, no." Percy reassured, and suddenly he was back to his smily self.

"Ok. Good." I smiled back.

"Now come on, Chase. Let's get to your favorite class; Math." Percy smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes and groaned. "This," I started, falling in step next to Percy. "Is going to be a long ass day."


"That's awesome, Annie!" Leo exclaimed.

I glared at him. "What did I tell you about calling me 'Annie'?" I demanded more so than asked.

Leo gulped. "Right, sorry." He paused before smiling brightly again. "But that's still awesome!"

"I know right! I have a friend Hazel I think you might like." I said. "All you guys need to come to Piper's house tomorrow night. We're all hanging out as a little, 'reunion.'" I said, quoting Piper from before when we were on the phone.

"Ok, I'm down." Leo agreed.

"I'm pretty sure I'm free." Reyna also obliged. She's been better since the whole party accident. At first, she was sort of distant from Percy, and not really the friendliest, but when you get rejected, you're not really going to be best friends with your rejector.

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