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Percy's POV

"Hey, Wise Girl?" I threw my hacky-sack into the air again, catching it before turning to Annabeth, who was sprawled out on my bed, scrolling through her phone.


"Do you have a plan for after high school?" I had been thinking about it a lot more recently—I knew it was a late start, but at least it was a start at all. I had applied to a few colleges—some closer to home, and others father. By father, I mean UCLA. I hadn't gotten the chance to tell Annabeth yet. I honestly had no idea whether I'd get in or not, but either way, I was going to need a plan.

"Well, I think we both know college isn't really an option for me. I'm just barely graduating," she pointed out, turning to face me. "Not that I'm proud of that, because I'm not," she mumbled, glancing around the room.

"Hey, that's fine. It's just, I applied to a few colleges," I said sheepishly.

"What?" Annabeth suddenly sat up, a smile on her face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't get the chance," I reasoned, shrugging.

"Well, where did you apply?" Her eyes were bright and beautiful, as usual. She pushed her golden blonde locks behind her ears. I noticed how her grey tank top was fitted, and was suddenly distracted by how her waist comes in and then ou—

I stopped myself, refocusing. You'd think that by now I'd be used to it—but I realized I'd never not be in awe of Annabeth Chase. "A few local colleges, you know..." I trailed off. I was afraid of her reaction, so I stalled. Would she be mad? Would she be happy? I didn't know. I just hoped for the best.

"I'm sensing that there's something else that you're not telling me, Jackson." She raised an eyebrow.

I opened my mouth to start speaking, a sigh coming out instead. "I applied to UCLA. In California." I said it quickly and bluntly—like ripping off a band-aid.

Annabeth's eyes were still bright, but she wasn't really smiling anymore. Her mouth just fell open, making an 'O' shape. She stayed that way for a few seconds before swallowing and blinking a few times. "Okay."

"Okay," I repeated. It wasn't amazing, but it wasn't awful, and I was gonna take what I could get. "That doesn't mean I got in," I said, trying to calm the situation. 

"Yeah," She said, nodding.

"But if I do..."

"We need a plan." She looked me right in the eyes now, where as before she had been avoiding eye contact. "Do you... have one?"

"Well, if I get into a local college, obviously that's not a big deal. If I get into UCLA,"

"That's a big deal." Annabeth finished my statement.

"Yeah but I was thinking," I paused for a second, considering if what I was going to say next was really the right decision. "Would you... maybe... come with me?" I swallowed, awaiting Annabeth's response.

She was silent for a short while. "Yes." She nodded. "Yeah," she smiled.

"Really?" I was so excited I shot out of my chair.

"Yeah!" Annabeth stood up as well, smiling so wide.

"Yes!" I whooped, pumping my fists in the air. "We can get an apartment, and we'll live together—"

"And we'll get a dog and I'll get a job there," Annabeth continued, gushing with me.

"Yeah!" We both said a few more times, just for the hell of it.

Never Be (Percabeth AU)✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя