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Annabeth's POV

"You ready to try this one more time?" Percy asked me. We walked down the hallways towards Jason's room.

"Yeah," I replied. I felt a little bad about flipping out on Jason, but I can't stand the fact that he put himself in direct danger. I mean, have some common sense, right? And, I would never say this to his face, but I love Jason, so much (like a brother, of course). He's one of the most important people in my life, and if I lost him... But not only that, he still has so much life to live; so much that he still wants to do, so mush he wants to see. I would hate to have to live with the fact that he missed out on so much.

But what set in later made me feel even worse. He put himself in danger protecting someone else, who he didn't even know. And if I got so mad at him for doing that, that obviously means that I wouldn't do the same.

I wouldn't do the same.

I realized how selfish that sounded. Jason was able to put himself on the line, regardless of whether he'd get hurt just save another student, who was a stranger to him. I would've wanted to save myself; then again, most people would. But this still struck me, and I didn't exactly know why. I tried to just brush it off and make up with Jason.

"Here we go," Percy said, smiling at me and pushing open the door.

"Hey," Jason said.

"Hi," Percy replied with a nod. "Annabeth here would like to talk." Percy out his hands on my shoulders, which were slumped.

"Sure." Jason gave me a small smile.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it." Percy winked at me and clicked his tongue as he walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes.

"How ya doin'?" Jason asked.

"I'm gonna be straight with you," I started, my voice firm. "I'm sorry for freaking out, okay?" I stared at him with a stern look. "But you know what happened with Beckendorf and I can't..." my voice broke. I took a moment to recollect myself. "I can't let that happen again," I whispered.

"Annabeth..." Jason gave me a sad look, inviting me to sit on the edge of his bed. I sat. "I know that what I did was dangerous. But it was my instinct. I'd have rather been shot, than have to live with the fact that I just watched as someone else was shot, when I could have done something," Jason explained.

"I know." I saw where Jason was coming from; he's had always been that way, ever since I first met him.

"I know that not everyone has the same mindset, but in mine, the first thing I thought to do was protect her." Jason grabbed my hands, and I nodded. Jason was always able to be so calm and optimistic, and he was a great problem solver. I on the other hand, am impulsive and I'm quick tempered. I didn't know how they all put up with me for so long, but I appreciated it.

"I know." My voice was quiet. I squeezed his hand. "Also, how does Piper feel about the whole thing? You know... you saving a girl?" I teased.

"Ah," Jason waved his hand. "You know Piper. She's not like that."

"That is definitely true," I agreed, chuckling. "She's just happy you're okay."

"Yeah," Jason sighed. "We good?"

"You're still a dumbass," I smiled.

"You're still an asshole," Jason smirked at me, before full on grinning as well. I nodded before standing up, and walking out of the room.

I opened the door to find everyone waiting outside in the hall. Percy, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Reyna, Frank, Hazel, Will, and Nico all stood outside the door, very still and quiet. "What are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing," Percy said as everyone pretended to act normal.

"You are an awful liar, Seaweed Brain. Yes, me and Jason made up, big surprise," I said sarcastically.

"Yay! The last we need is the two of you at each other's throats," Hazel said.

"Very true. I need my best friend and my boyfriend, so y'all need to get along," Piper said, throwing an arm around my shoulder. I smiled a bit. Percy came to my other side, wrapping his arm around my waist as we all walked back to the waiting room.

"Alright guys, go home, get rest and showers and clothes, I'm gonna take Jason home tomorrow," Piper announced.

"You sure, Pipes? I can stay and help," I offered, shrugging my shoulders.

"No, no." Piper waved her hand as she walked over to me. "I need to go home, or to Percy's," she winked at me making me role my eyes. "And get some sleep and relax and a nice hot shower. Okay?"

"Here's the problem—that's exactly I need you to do."

"No, I will be fine." Piper said sternly. "Go. And relax." Piper looked me straight in the eyes, her beautiful kaleidoscope irises changing from blue, to green, to brown, to gold.

"Fine," I relented. Piper was always so caring. She always had put her friends and family first, and made sure we were okay. She really is a good friend. "Love you," I said as I grabbed my jacket.

"Love you to," she said.

"Ready?" Percy asked.


We all made our way towards the main entrance. We all shuffled along, in somewhat groups. Hazel and Frank were walking out together. Leo and Calypso were holding hands. Nico and Will just walked next to each other in silence—for once, they weren't bickering. Reyna scuffed her feet against the floor, strands of her braid out of place. I leaned my head on Percy's shoulder, exhausted. We both had dark circles under our eyes, and were sluggish. Yet, Percy still looked hot, of course.

We finally made it out to the parking lot. As we walked to Percy's car, I asked, "Do you wanna come back to my place?"

"Is anyone home?" Percy asked as we got in the car.

"My dad went out again for work. Helen took Bobby and Matthew to some birthday party, so we should be fine," I said. I heaved a sigh as Percy started the car.

"I'm so fucking tired," Percy chuckled.

"Really? I feel like I could run a marathon right now. I could just, sprint a 5k, you know?"

"Even through mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion, Annabeth Chase can still be sarcastic." Percy said with mock amazement.

"Thank you," I winked at him, making him laugh. "Let's get outta here.



Authors note

Okay, a few things.
1: this is a shitty filler I'm Sorry.
2: I didn't make Frazel a thing yet right?
3: I could have gone farther with this, but I just—I'm not in the mood right now okay?
4: some one said that they think the characters changed and I realized they're right and like sHit but I'll figure it out, okay?
5: thansk for the reads ily guys and don't forget to vote and comment bla bla bla

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