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Annabeth's POV

"You can't just avoid Percy forever," Piper said as she swiveled back and forth in my desk chair.

"I can try." My voice came out muffled through my pillow.

"It's been four days. I think that the both of you need to get over your big heads and just make up already. Annabeth, Percy is your best friend, after me, of course." Piper waved her hand. "But in all seriousness, I've seen it. You two just click. And I can tell no matter how much you deny it, you're miserable. You miss him, and you want him back." Piper sounded really genuine, and I found myself agreeing with her. I did miss Percy, more than I'd like to admit. I just didn't understand what I did wrong; it didn't make any sense to me. But, none of that mattered; it stood no chance against my persistence. No matter how miserable and sad I was, my stubbornness out ruled it. I flipped over onto my back and sighed.

"Just make up with him already. Trust me, you will feel so much better once you talk to him again," Piper concluded.

"I just don't get it." I sat up. "I mean, yeah I was grateful that he helped me, but why was he so mad? We got out fine, and I got what I wanted." I sounded miserable, even to myself. "But why did we start fighting?" I asked more so myself than Piper.

"There's only one way to find out." Piper stood up, a smile on her face. "Let's go make up with Percy." Piper grabbed her coat and marched out of my room. I groaned and flopped back into my pillows.

Piper marched back inside. "No!" She grabbed my hands. "Get up!" She struggled to pull me off of my bed. I relented and got up. "Come on," she whined. "Annabeth do you think I like seeing you all mopey?" Piper's eyebrows furrowed.

"No," I mumbled.

"And if I know what's gonna make you feel better than don't you think we should go do that thing?" Piper asked, still holding my hands.

"I guess." I hung my head low and looked into Piper's kaleidoscope eyes. I could never decide what color they were; green, blue, brown. But I could decide one thing; there was sympathy behind all that color. Sighing, I realized she was right.

"Alright." Piper's smile was evident in her voice. "Then throw on your coat and shoes, 'cause we're going to see Percy."

"Can I at least change?" I gestured to the sweatpants and tank top I was wearing.

"No, there's no time!" She exclaimed a little dramatically. "And trust me, Percy won't care. He thinks you look good in anything." She winked and walked out of my room.

I scowled at her, but found myself blushing. I sighed and pulled on my jacket, grabbing my shoes and heading down the stairs.


"Alright," Piper announced. "We're here!" She unbuckled and got out of the car. I kept my eyes on Percy's building as she came around to my side of the car. She opened the door.

"I don't wanna do this." I shook my head.

"Come on!" Piper grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car. "You can do this. You are going to go in that building, make up with Percy, hopefully make out—" I elbowed her. She just snickered. "And make your life a million times better," She said, staring at the building with me. "Ready?"


"Let's go!" And with that, Piper dragged me into the building. I went one way towards the elevator, she went the other way towards the stairs. "We gotta get you hyped up," she encouraged.

"And sweaty? No thanks," I retorted.

"Oh, you'll be fine." Piper swatted the air dismissively.

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