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Percy's POV

"That can't be good." Annabeth said.

"We have to go. Now." I grabbed Annabeth's hand and we ran to my car, quickly jumping in. I started the engine and we were off.

"What do you think happened? Do you think..." Annabeth didn't need to finish that sentence. I already knew where she was going.

"N-No. He wouldn't. And besides, he left before I texted you." I said as calmly as possible. I tried to convince myself that Gabe wouldn't hurt my mother, not in his right mind. But when he was drunk...

"Well, the best thing to do is stay calm. Panicking gets us nowhere. Just focus on getting us there quickly and in one piece." I knew that Annabeth could sense that I was freaking out. My hands were shaking on the steering wheel. I focused on my breathing. The pain that I had been feeling moments earlier was now numb, and adrenaline was kicking in. The only thing that mattered was my mother.

A few moments later, I pulled up to my building. Annabeth practically jumped out of the car before it fully stopped moving. I ran out after her, not even worried with locking the doors.

"What's our plan?" I asked as we ran up the stairs, taking them three at a time.

"We don't have one." Annabeth said.

"Well that's great." I kept climbing, even though I was getting short of breath.

"We'll do what I do half the time."

"Which is?" I asked.

"Wing it." Annabeth said as we arrived in my floor. I bust through the door, Annabeth behind me. We ran down the hall and to my door, and I quickly unlocked it, swinging the door open.

"Mom!" I yelled.

"Percy?" I heard my mom from the kitchen.

"Oh my god." I sighed in relief. I heard Annabeth exhale behind me.

"Are you okay, mom?" I asked as I hugged her.

"Yes, I'm fine. But, I need to show you something." My mother's expression was grim and serious. I followed her down the hall. We stopped at a spot on the floor that was stained red.

Oh shit.

I saw Annabeth's jaw drop from the corner of my eye.


My blood.

"Percy, why is there blood on my floor?" My mother had a worried look in her eyes. "Is it... is it from you?" She whispered, tears in her eyes.

I must have forgotten to clean it up. I didn't know what I would tell her. I couldn't lie to her, not when my mental state was all fucked up. And I couldn't keep this from her anymore.

"Mom, I..." I choked out.

I fell apart.

"Percy." My mom pulled me into a hug and I sobbed for the second time that day.

I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. And my mom just held me.

She was about to find out.

This was it.

"Percy it's okay." I heard my mom whisper. "I need you tell me what happened. Please." My mother pleaded.

I looked back at Annabeth. She looked really sad. She nodded. "It's time." She whispered. There were tears in her eyes. I nodded back.

"Mom, there's something that I need to tell you."


Never Be (Percabeth AU)✔️Where stories live. Discover now