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Annabeth's POV

Is it bad that I'm hoping that you're broken?
Is it bad that I'm wishing you're so broken?
That you haven't found fish in the ocean,
Is it bad,
So bad?

The next few days were spent out of school for all of us to recuperate and rest. Percy and I hadn't really left each other's sides. After we left the hospital, we came back to my house and just relaxed. We mostly just huddled together in my bed, watching shitty reality t.v. in the morning, and then movies at night (and maybe something else... when no one else was home of course). At the moment, we were just lounging on my bed, listening to music.

"Hey," Percy said, striking up a conversation.

"Hey," I replied, refocusing my eyes on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," I answered, nodding. I was fine, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a bit frazzled still. Even though I knew Jason was fine, something still nagged in the back of my mind. A lot of things usually did, but there was just something...

"You're doing it again." Percy interrupted my thoughts.

"Doing what?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Zoning out."

"I was thinking." That wasn't a lie.

"About what, exactly?" Percy raised an eyebrow, looking at me questioningly.


Percy had told me countless times that Jason was fine and that I shouldn't worry; everything is fine. I tried to focus on that—I really did. But I just couldn't help it—my mind always wanders where it's not supposed to.

"Hey," Percy said, readjusting himself to face me. "What did I tell you before?"

"Not to worry."

"Exactly. This is like the one time that I really, super-duper, need you to listen. Please. I can't have you being all stressed and distracted because that will drive me absolutely crazy and you know that." Percy explained, using a few hand gestures here and there.

"I do." I said glumly.

"Alright. Stop being so mopey and get up here. 'Princess and the Frog' is on."


"It feels weird without Jason here," Piper said, glancing at the empty seat next to her. "Like the cafeteria is darker." She continued, still looking at the seat.

"Hey," Leo snapped his fingers. "Beauty Queen? Happy thoughts, okay? Jason is fine, he'll be back soon, we all just need to keep moving. We all know it's what Jason would have wan—wants," he quickly corrected himself.

"Leo is right," Hazel agreed. "We should just go on like normal."

"But keep Jason in our hearts, so his presence still lives, even in his absence," Frank added.

"Nice poetic touch," Hazel mumbled, nudging him. Frank gave a small smile and turned bright red. Calypso smiled a bit.

"You guys are really making it sound like he's dead. I'm sure that's not helping any of us," Reyna chimed in.

"She has a point," Nico spoke up from the end of the table.

"For once, I agree," said Will.

"Alright!" I said. "We all need to stop this. Let's take a deep fucking breath and forget about it," I said, my voice strong. I hadn't realized how tense I was until the touch of Percy's hand at the bottom of my spine made me relax. "Jason is fine. It's not a big deal."

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