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Percy's POV

You got two black eyes from loving too hard
And a black car that matches your blackest soul
I wouldn't change ya, oh
Wouldn't ever try to make you leave, no

I decided I would pull my first prank at lunch, for multiple reasons.

One, the cafeteria is always crowded, meaning, Chase would suffer major embarrassment. It would also put on a great show for everyone, which might dull the bullying, at least for a little while.

Second, it's the most practical time and place for my prank to go down. It was going to be glorious.

If I could pull it off, that is.

That's when it hit me—I was going to need some help. I searched the halls for any familiar faces or people I knew could help.

Then, someone caught my eye. His dark curly hair, impish grin, and grease covered clothes were a dead give away that this was who I needed.

Leo Valdez.

Leo Valdez was certainly a character to Goode High. Saying he was some sort of blacksmith, is really the only way to put it. Apparently, he worked in a garage with his father, fixing cars and whatnot. But he was also a mischievous troublemaker. He was always after the girls, and it was honesty pretty funny. He was a pretty funny kid and he seemed cool, so getting his help shouldn't be too hard.

I approached him at his locker. "Hey."

He turned and looked at me, confused. "Hey." He said skeptically.

"I'm Percy." I said kind of awkwardly.

"'Sup, Percy. I'm Leo." He said.

"I have really bad people skills so I'm skipping to the point—I need your help." I spoke quickly.

Valdez crossed him arms and raised an eyebrow. "With what?"

"A prank." I said.

"What kind of prank? On who?" He asked, eyebrow still raised, though he was almost smiling. Here's the thing about Leo; he's always up for causing trouble.

"It's on Annabeth Chase, the new girl."

"Ah. She seems tough. You sure about this?" I asked.

"What, you don't think I could handle whatever she throws at me?" I asked, pretending to be offended.

Leo made a face like 'mmmm maybe' and shook his hand in a gesture that said 'kinda'.

I mocked a hurt expression. We laughed.

"Alright. I'm in." Leo agreed.

"Great. Meet me before third period?"

"Got it. I look forward to doing business with you, Jackson."

"I as well, Valdez."

Then we walked our separate ways. Leo's help could be the perfect leverage over Chase.

It could be exactly what I need to win.


"Alright. You ready?" Leo asked me.


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