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Percy's POV

Annabeth had decided it was a good idea to drag me to the skatepark with her.

I decided this was a bad idea. Because a lot of people like to skate, the skatepark is crowded, meaning that most people want to interact with one another. I am not most people; I don't like human interaction with a lot of people. I'm socially awkward, and I get a bit of anxiety from the thought of a large group of people. So having nothing else to do, I sat there on the sidewalk, eating a granola bar, watching Annabeth skate.

I had to say, she was really good. I couldn't tell you what she was doing, because I don't skate, but it looked awesome. She barely fell or messed up, but when she did, she got right back up, or managed a great save. She really was something. But of course, I still teased her.

"Nice job, Wiseass!" I called, wearing a smirk, when she fell.

"Shut it, Asshole! I'd like to see you try!" She said, a smile on her face. "Actually," she walked up to me. "I would."

"Oh, no. No, no no no no." I insisted. "This is not my thing. At all."

"Oh please, anyone can skate. It might just be ready hard for you," she mumbled. "But I know you can do it!" She gave me an encouraging smile.

"I'm already beat up enough, and how am I supposed to skate in this?" I gestured to the outfit she made me wear. Apparently, there was a dress code for the skatepark. "I don't know why this was even necessary."

"Because," She said, reaching up to fix my beanie. "You need to look cool. Like me." She shrugged, standing back to look at me. She gave a satisfied smile. She had made me wear a flannel over a t-shirt for a band that I didn't even know. "If it were up to me, you'd be in ripped black jeans, and not the ones you had. But we can't all get what we want. So be grateful!" She scolded, fixing my collar.

I groaned.

"Oh, stop it! Come on!" She grabbed my hand, sending an electrifying feeling throughout my arm, and started running, dragging me with her.

"I can't believe you're making me do this." I shook my head, and tried to keep up.

"Alright." She let go of my hand. Part of me missed the feeling of warmth I had gotten from her in mine. I pushed the thoughts away. "Now. You cannot fuck up my board, because I will have to fuck up you." She said.

"Noted." I raised my eyebrows.

"Okay." She put her board down. "Step on."

"I can't just 'step on' its gonna move." I protested.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Give me your hands." She held out her hands, palms up.

I glanced at her hands like, really? She's not going to bite my fingers off? She's letting me touch her?

"Oh come on. I don't have cooties."

I shook my head. "Right. Sorry." I grabbed her hands and carefully stepped up onto the board, leaning on her for support.

"Alright. Step one, done." She said. "Okay, now, put your feet like this." She moved her feet and I looked down at them.

"Wait, how...?" I was having trouble mimicking her movements, and I nearly slipped. "Shit!" Annabeth's hold tightened on my arms as she steadied me.

"You're such a dipshit." She sighed, shaking her head. She bent down in front of my feet. "Grab my shoulders." I obeyed. I let her arrange my feet so they were in the correct position.

"Oh." I said in realization. I gave a nervous laugh. "Heh, whoops."

"I swear, I have to do everything." Chase looked up at me, shaking her head. She was smirking, though. "Alright, so now, take your back foot and push off of the ground. That will make you go forward."

Never Be (Percabeth AU)✔️Where stories live. Discover now