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Annabeth's POV

"You ready?" I nudged Percy with my elbow.

"I've been waiting for this day for months." He smiled at me before we strode up to the school. We burst through the doors together, and it felt like a movie scene, except no one was staring at us (not more than usual, at least). It was almost like we were moving in slow motion. We walked down the halls with confidence, which probably meant nothing to everyone—we weren't holding hands (I told Percy that it was so cliche I might die), and there was really no indication that said, we're together! It still felt good to me, though.

We finally found everyone gathered around Piper and Hazel's lockers. Piper saw us first. "You look happier than usual," Piper regarded my smile. "Who did you beat up this time?" She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"I didn't beat anyone up, Piper." I jokingly narrowed my eyes.

"Then what is this?" Hazel waved to our grins.

"Eh, you wanna tell 'em?" I asked Percy, teasing the others.

"No, you can." He offered.

"I think you should do it," I insisted again.

"Well, clearly, we can't decide, so..." Percy shrugged. "Guess you'll have to wait until we figure it out," Percy said with fake sympathy.

I couldn't help the huge grin on my face as everyone groaned.

"Annabeth Marie Chase I swear to everything holy and good in this world if you don't tell me right now—" Piper walked up to me, jabbing her finger at me.

"Woah," I said, stepping back and putting my hands up.

"Relax there, Beauty Queen," Leo added. He stepped up in front of Piper. "But seriously, what happened?" He asked.

"Oh my god," Frank's eyes went huge, as he couldn't decide whether to gawk at Percy and I, or stare at the floor. Either way, he turned bright red. I burst out laughing, Percy laughing a bit himself.

"What?" Jason nudged him, confused at first. "Oh..." then he suddenly realized. "Oh shit," he said. Then he laughed.

"What?" Piper and Leo asked.

"You're really that dense?" I playfully rolled my eyes. Piper punched my arm, but it didn't hurt much.

"They— He— I—" Jason tried multiple times to explain it. He sighed, giving up.

"Let's just say, Percy's not a virgin anymore." I rocked back and forth on my feet and stuck my hands in my pockets.

"I wasn't a virgin in the first place!" Percy protested.

"You technically were," I insisted.

"Pretty much," Calypso snorted. Percy made a face at her.

"No I—" Percy was cut off by Piper.

"Annabeth!" Her mouth dropped open in a smile. She looked from me, to Percy, back to me. "Oh my god! You—" it was like she couldn't even get the words out.

"Wait," Leo paused. "So you mean to tell me that this," he held up his pointer finger, "went in this." He put his pointer finger into the hole he had made with his other hand. I started laughing harder. "Percy, my man!" Leo high-fived Percy. Hazel turned bright red, starting to fan herself. Percy just stood there, acting calm and cool while I was basically dying on the floor.

"Oh shit, man." It seemed that Jason was still taking it in.

"I knew it was gonna happen eventually, but not this way." Hazel countered.

Never Be (Percabeth AU)✔️Where stories live. Discover now