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Percy's POV

I was woken up by screaming.

I quickly jumped up off the floor to see Annabeth thrashing and struggling against something that wasn't there in her sleep.

"Annabeth!" I shook her shoulders. "Annabeth wake up it's just a dream!" I shook her awake this time. She shot up, her face streaked with tears and her eyes filled with fear. Her breathes were shallow and ragged.

I sat in front of her on the bed, and scooped her up and into my lap. I hugged her and held her close. She cried for a while as I held her, and my heart was breaking. I hated seeing her like this, distraught and in pain and scared. I wanted to kill Luke for doing this to her.

We sat in silence, the only noise coming from Annabeth. I was stroking her arm when she quickly got off of me. "Stop!" She pushed me away. I tried to hide the hurt in my eyes.

"Did I do something wrong? I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean t—" I started apologizing frantically.

"N-no. I..." Annabeth shook her head. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Annabeth." She wouldn't meet my eyes. "Annabeth, look at me." I gently tilted up her chin, forcing her to look into my eyes. "You have absolutely nothing—you hear me? Nothing to apologize for. I don't ever want you to hear say sorry for this again. Got it?" I looked deep into her eyes. Her grey irises were dull, lacking their normal bright, storminess. They looked broken. She nodded miserably.

"And I swear to you," I took her hand. "I will kill him," I decided it was best not to say Luke's name. "If it's the last thing that I do." I promised.

"Percy you don't h—"

"No." I cut her off. "He did this to you. And if murdering him wouldn't require the authorities to get involved," Annabeth gave me the faintest little smile, but it made my heart feel warm. "I would do it. But I don't care, if I get suspended for a whole month for beating the shit out of him. I'll do it."

I waited in silence for Annabeth to say anything. She finally nodded slowly, whispering, "Thank you."

"Try to get some rest." I tucked a stray hair behind Annabeth's ear.

"Okay." She whispered. It seemed like all she could manage. Like she was so broken at the moment, that she could barely even raise her voice in the slightest.

I hated it.

It killed me.

Annabeth wasn't her loud, obnoxious, beautiful, incredible self. She couldn't be.

And Luke took that away from her.

And I would take his ability to produce children away from him.

I just have to wait until break is over.

Then, I can beat the shit out of him as I please.


"Annabeth, you okay?" Piper leaned in and whispered to Annabeth.

Annabeth had dipped her head down like she normally did when we passed Luke in the halls. I glared at him like I always did, and he kept walking. We've been back for about a week now, and I would've beaten Luke up on day one but Annabeth stopped me.

She had become more fidgety around Luke, and she wouldn't meet his gaze. But other than that, she had done well with acting like everything was fine. She was loud again, and she laughed, which was good to hear, even though it wasn't truly real.

Never Be (Percabeth AU)✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora