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Percy's POV

"Relax. I'm sure she's fine."

My knee bobbed up and down nervously as I sat outside the nurse's office, Leo and Reyna on either side of me.

"She's not fine. He fucking hurt her. You should have let me beat the shit out of him." I said, my voice low with anger and worry.

I was scared. Annabeth had really gotten hurt—to the point where she blacked out. That's not something that just happens. The pain in my hands—which were starting to bruise—didn't matter. None of the pain did. The only thing that was important at the moment was Annabeth.

I was so livid—Luke had hurt her. Just the fact that Castellan would even go to put his hands on her made me sick. I wanted to punch him in the face, and kick him where the sun doesn't shine. I wanted to hurt him. Give him what he deserved for hurting Annabeth—and everyone else he's bothered for that matter.

"For as much as I wanted to see that happen, we both know that if I didn't hold you back, you would've gotten in a lot of trouble if I let you attack him." Reyna said.

"She's not wrong bro." Leo chimed in. He looked up from the little contraption he was fidgeting with a few minutes ago. "Though, we can still get him back." Leo wore his signature impish, trouble maker grin. "And have fun at the same time."

Before he could go on, the nurse opened the door, poking her head out. "She's awake."

I was the first inside the room. Annabeth sat there on the examination bed, looking a little dazed.

"Hey, Wise Girl." I said gently, walking up in front of her.

"Shit." She rubbed the spot in her abdomen where Luke had kneed her. Anger suddenly began to bubble in the pit of my stomach.

"That's going to be bruised for a little while, just keep ice on it every once and a while and try to take it easy." She explained. "Also, I could get you some ice for your hands, that looks painful." She looked at my bruised hands.   One knuckle was spilt on each hand, and though the cuts were small, there was still a good amount of blood. It was dried now, of course.

"I'm good." I'd just wash my hands later.

"Alright then." The nurse disappeared through the doorway to her desk.

"What happened?" Annabeth looked at me, a little confused.

"Well, Luke was being a jackass—"

"As per usual," Leo added.

"Yeah, and you stuck up for me. Next thing you know a bunch of the football jocks are coming up to us and we're all fighting. You then come to help me fight off Luke, but he knees you in the stomach, and—"

"Percy was ready to handicap the asshat, but I held him back. Leo grabbed you and Percy carried you here." Reyna finished.

"Castellan." Annabeth scowled.

"Yeah, he was sent to the principal's office, along with the rest of the jocks." I assured her.

"Speaking of Militarily Captain Minerva," Leo cut in. "She wants to see us in her office as soon as possible."

Annabeth sighed, rolling her eyes. "Shit. My dad is gonna kill me." She pushed herself off the bed, hopping down. "Let's go." She goes to walk out the door, but I stop her.

"You sure you're okay, Annabeth?" I place my hand on her arm.

"I'm fine, Jackson." She smirks at me, and I notice how she makes no move to get my hand off of her arm. "Come on." Then she walks out, with Reyna behind her.

Never Be (Percabeth AU)✔️Where stories live. Discover now